Directory settings

The following table provides detailed instructions on each configuration setting:

Configuration Parameter Name


Media FolderFolder where media files of recorded calls will be saved. Network drives are not supported, because of reliability and performance issues, so please do not use mapped network drives or UNC network drives, use only local folders. Use the browse button to select the proper folder.
Log FolderThe log folder for Verba Recording System applications. Network drives are not supported, because of reliability and performance issues, so please do not use mapped network drives or UNC network drives, use only local folders. Use the browse button to select the proper folder.
Application FolderThe home folder for Verba Recording System applications. DO NOT CHANGE it, unless you explicitly told to do so. Use the browse button to select the proper folder.
Temporary FolderThe temporary folder for Verba Recording System applications. Network drives are not supported, because of reliability and performance issues, so please do not use mapped network drives or UNC network drives, use only local folders. Use the browse button to select the proper folder.