Uploading Certificate for SIP Trunk Security Profile

Uploading Certificate for SIP Trunk Security Profile

Configure SIP trunk for recording encrypted calls

From Cisco Unified Communications Manager 8.0 the RTP forking based recording interface enables the recording of encrypted calls. In order to enable this option, various configuration tasks have to be accomplished. Please follow the instructions below to properly configure the Cisco Unified Communications Manager and the Verba Recording System. 

Upload the Recording Server certificate to the CUCM

Step 1 - Log in to the Verba Recording Server and go to the Start menu. Type "mmc.exe", then press enter.

Step 2 - Go to the File / Add/Remove Snap-in... menu.

Step 3 - From the list on the left side select Certificates and click on the Add button.

Step 4 - Select Computer Account then click Next. On the next page, select Local Computer then click Finish. In the MMC windows press OK.

Step 5 - Expand the Certificates \ Personal node. In the Certificates folder, right click on the Verba server certificate, then select the All Tasks \ Export... option.

Step 6 - Export the certificate with the default settings (private key not required, .cer format).

Step 7 - Login to the Cisco Unified OS Administration interface.

Step 8 - Select Security / Certificate Management menu.

Step 9 - Click on the Upload Certificate button.

Step 10 - Select the CallManager-trust certificate.

Step 11 - Enter an optional description.

Step 12 - Click Upload File button, and select the previously exported certificate.

Step 13 - After successful upload, the new certificate should appear on the list and it has a name containing the hostname of the Verba Recording Server.


If you have multiple nodes (publisher+subscribers) in your cluster you must install the recorder's certificate on each node.