Muting audio during recording

Muting audio during recording

This API allows to mute the audio for a given time for a specified call. External applications can subscribe for call events and while the call is being recorded, the application can initiate muting the audio. The system will start dropping the corresponding audio data until a new API request arrives instructing the recorder to stop muting or until the end of the call. In most recording services, muting can be invoked separately on each channel (caller or called party).

This API function can be used to comply with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) and prevent recording sensitive information.


Use the State tag to control the muting. If you want to start the muting, set the corresponding side to true. If you want to stop the muting, set it to false.


Get the state of a call

It is also possible to get the state of a given call. In the response, the <State callerMuted=true> field means the call's audio is muted, <State callerMuted=false> means the audio is in normal state.

