Product feature visibility
Product feature visibility
Many functions of the service provider product can be removed from the user interface to customize the end-user experience.
In the Verba registry there are two parameters that allow configuration of the visibility of product features:
Registry value | Description |
Verba / Web / HideFeatures | List of features to hide from all users (valid for environment 0000 in a multi-tenant system) |
Verba / Web / HideFeaturesForNonAdmin | List of features to hide from non admin users (valid for environment 0000 in a multi-tenant system) |
Verba / Web / HideFeaturesForTenant | List of features to hide from all users in a multi-tenant system (not valid for environment 0000) |
Verba / Web / HideFeaturesForTenantNonAdmin | List of features to hide from non administrator users in a multi-tenant system (not valid for environment 0000) |
Parameter format example: [chpass] [downloads]
where chpass and downloads are examples of two feature names.
The following table describes the internal names of the features to be used in the above two fields:
Internal name | Feature |
CallListLayoutConfiguration | Call list layout configuration |
CallExportOptionDownloadAll | Download all calls link |
UserAddNew | User add new link |
UserDelete | User delete button |
UserFieldType | User type field |
UserFieldPassword | Right to use |
UserRecorderLinePIN | Recorder Line PIN setting |
UserRightSilentMonitor | Right to use silent monitoring |
UserRightComment | Right to use commenting |
UserRightReporting | Right to use reporting |
UserRightUseIVR | Right to use dial-in recorder |
GroupLogo | Group logo |
GroupMetadata | Group associated meta data templates |
GroupQueries | Group Queries feature/link |
GroupRightAdministrator | all references to Group Administrator function |
GroupDefault | Default group |
ExtensionDetail | Extension detail page |
DataRetentionDetail | Retention detail page |
OngoingRefresh | Automated refresh function on the ongoing calls screen |
, multiple selections available,