Conversation list records and fields

A conversation list consists of a list header and one line for each record found matching the search criteria.  The system administrator can configure the default layout, and every user can personalize the list layout further: configure the fields (columns) to be displayed and their order (see the next section for more information).

The left most column of the row displays the applicable special status and action icons for the recording.

The conversation list row can contain the following fields:

Field Name


Start Date

Starting date of the conversation.  The format is locale dependent.

Start Time

Starting time of the conversation.  The format is locale dependent.

Start Date-Time

Starting date and time of the conversation.  The format is locale dependent.

End Date

Ending date of the conversation.  The format is locale dependent.

End Time

Ending time of the conversation.  The format is locale dependent.

End Date-Time

Ending date and time of the conversation.  The format is locale dependent.


Duration of the conversation in hours, minutes, and seconds.

Caller Phone Number

Phone number of the calling party.

When the phone number is missing, it means that the switching system (PBX) could not get the caller party phone number (often called CLID); mostly in PBX environments where analog trunks can be found. 

Caller Name (System)

The system name (configured in the PBX) of the caller party.

This field is populated only when the caller party name is included in the signaling messages.  This mostly happens when the caller party is an internal extension.

Caller Name (Verba)

The username (configured in Verba) of the caller party.

It is displayed only when the caller party phone number is mapped to a user in Verba database.

Called Phone Number

Phone number of the called party.

The phone number of the called party is always available (if not contact your PBX administrator).

If a conversation is a part of a conference conversation the called party number field shows: conference.

Called Name (System)

The system name (configured in the PBX) of the called party.

This field is only populated when the called party name is included in the signaling messages.  This mostly happens when the caller party is an internal extension.

If a call is a part of a conference conversation, the called party name field shows: conference.

Called Name (Verba)

The username (configured in Verba) of the called party.

It is displayed only when the called party phone number is mapped to a user in Verba database.


The reason of call ending/termination can be various:

  • One of the parties terminated the conversation normally: Normal
  • One of the parties put the conversation on hold: Hold
  • One of the parties transferred the conversation: Transfer
  • The conversation was a part of a conference: Conference
  • One of the parties put the conversation on park: Call park
  • One of the parties changed between telephone lines: Line change
  • The conversation was terminated by Verba because last RTP packet timeout expired: Timeout
  • The conversation was terminated by Verba because a new call was registered from the calling parties: Forced termination
  • The conversation was terminated by Verba administrator through the web interface: Manual termination


Depending on the conversation direction the following conversation types exist:

  • If all the parties of the conversation belong to the PBX system (calling parties using IP phones), we talk about Internal conversations.
  • If the caller party comes in through a gateway (or not from an IP phone), it is called an Incoming conversation.
  • If the called party of the conversation can be accessed through a gateway (or not through an IP phone), it is called an Outgoing conversation.

Archive Status

If a conversation was already archived, this field shows: true.

If the conversation is on-line, this field shows: false


If a conversation was already transmitted/uploaded to the Media Repository server from the Recording Server, this field shows: true (in co-hosted environment this field has no meaning).

If the conversation was not transmitted, this field shows: false

File Format

File format of the media file.

Recording Server

Hostname of the Recording Server server, which recorded the conversation.

Audio codec

Audio codec of the media file.

Video codec

Video codec of the media file.

Comment fields

Any comment field.

Video thumbnailA sample screenshot from the video file for video recordings only.