Search Calls

Search Calls


Retrieves all CDRs that match a search filter.

The function is available as a HTTP GET or HTTP POST request.


Search Calls:

Search Calls HTTP GET sample:

Detailed description of the API request elements:

URL parameterParameter example


actionaction=SearchCallsName of the HTTP API request.Mandatory
apiKeyapiKey=74c8eea0-50c6-40b2-9f3e-252ed501c3c8API key used to identify the application.Mandatory
tokentoken=09835e02-6c10-11e0-bb22-ba324924019bUnique identifier for authenticated sessions. After successful authentication, the API sends back a token, which has to be used for each request.Mandatory if authentication is configured for the given API key.

Defines the format of the response of the API request. The following valid values apply:

  • XML: the response is formatted and structured in XML, designed for applications
  • HTML: the response is in human readable format and formatted using standard HTML; it can be directly displayed in any browser.
  • TEXT: simple clear text based response
If the parameter is missing, it defaults to XML.
statusstatus=ongoingDefines the focus of the call search:
  • ongoing - search ongoing calls
  • recorded - search already recorded calls (default value)
secondarysecondary=1If 1, then the secondary recordings will be returned too.Optional
startstart=2011-01-01 00:00

Start time of the search period.

Format is either "YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.SSS", "YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss" or "YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm"

endend=2011-11-16 23:59

End time of the search period.

Format is either "YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.SSS", "YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss" or "YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm"


Searched phone number part (searched both in called and caller id)

This parameter can be used multiple times to filter for multiple phone numbers. For example: ...&anynum=1222&anynum=3988&...

Must be URL encoded

Searched name part (searched both in called and caller name)

This parameter can be used multiple times to filter for multiple names. For example: ...&anyname=Joe&anyname=Peter&...

Must be URL encoded
orderbyorderby=source_caller_idOrdering field. Values: same field names as in the result XML CDR (see below) Optional
orderorder=ascAscending or descending order. Values: "asc" or "desc"Optional
pagefirstpagefirst=30Row number of the first CDR to be included in the resultsOptional
pagelenpagelen=10Defines how many rows (CDRs) should be presented in one resultOptional
returnInvitationreturnInvitation=1If 1, then the Lync Invitation details acquired by Verba from the technical account will be returned in the response.Optional
returnSharedItemsreturnSharedItems=1If 1, then the corresponding shared items will be returned in the response.Optional

The results will be filtered by field_name = value
field_name has to be a valid field name of the section table in the database.


the same as f_field_name, but LIKE operation will be used in the SQL filter


returnMetadatareturnMetadata=1If 1, then the corresponding custom metadata will be returned in the response.Optional

meta=[Metadata_Template]:[Field Name]=[value]


Encoded (correct) form:
meta=Default%3APhone XML List%3DItem1

This parameter can be specified multiple times (?meta=...&meta=...&meta=...)
The results will be filtered by the given Metadata Template (before the colon) and Field (between the colon and the equals sign) and its value (after the equals sign).

The default operator is "equals", but it can be changed by meta_relation=... parameter.
- meta_relation=LIKE
- meta_relation=%21%3D (this is !=)
 If LIKE is specified, then the standard SQL LIKE patterns (%, _) can be used in the value part.
The meta_relation parameter should be used as many times as the meta parameter is used.

The Field can be referenced by the Display Name or the value of the Field Identifier field.

returnIMreturnIM=1If 1, then the corresponding IM messages will be returned in the response.Optional


XML based response sample on success:

XML based response sample on error:

HTML based response sample:

TEXT based response sample: