Metadata template details

Metadata template details

Creating a metadata template

You can create a new metadata template by clicking on the Add New Metadata Template link on the System / MetadataTemplates page. After selecting the link, the following page is opened.

The following table describes the available fields:

Field Name




The name of the metadata template.

Required field.

Minimum length: 3

Maximum length: 32

Must be unique in the system.

Reserved name: Default

TypeThe type of the template. The system has several built-in template types for various integrations. For custom fields, select Standard.Required field.
Groups AssociationUsers can only access the template if the template is associated with one or more groups related to the users. You can select one or more groups from the left column and by clicking on the button, the group can be associated with the template.-

After filling out the form, press the Save button to save metadata template data into the database.

Modifying and deleting metadata templates

To edit a metadata template entry, you have to click on the desired row of the list showing registered metadata templates. After clicking on the row, a new page opens automatically.

To make changes effective, press the Save button. All requirements, which are described in the previous part, have to be met.

You can delete the metadata template by clicking on the Delete button. Metadata templates can only be deleted if they do not belong to a group and nobody has attached a comment to a recorded conversation.

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