Metadata templates

Verba metadata templates are powerful tools for attaching text-based comments to recorded calls. A metadata template consists of metadata template fields. Each metadata template field defines the appearance of a givenĀ metadataĀ field (e.g. a selection list type field contains predefined items, which can be selected by a user).

The system contains multiple built-in templates which are used by specific integrations automatically.

The built-in templates should not be removed or changed (other than appearance settings), because it will break the related integrations.

The metadata templates are accessible only when the template is associated with the users' group. Each group has aĀ metadataĀ template and every user is associated with at least one group. This way ensures that each user is able to use at least oneĀ metadataĀ template.

There is a defaultĀ metadataĀ template to provide basic functions for the system:

  • Private field: enables users to flag a call as private and prevent other users, who were not part of the call, from listening to the call or downloading the media file
  • ImportantĀ field:Ā enables users to flag a call as important and list it from a dedicated menu.
  • IP Phone Service XML List: provides a selection list type comment field to use in the Verba XML Service for call Tagging. e.g. "For Review", "Threat", "Customer Dispute" etc.

The defaultĀ metadataĀ template fields cannot be deleted and are automatically added to each newĀ metadataĀ template.

A defaultĀ metadataĀ template exists to provide aĀ metadataĀ template for the primary group.

Find and list metadata templates

Metadata templates are available underĀ System \ Metadata Templates.