


Hub allows using sites across multiple Verba instances. Recording Servers can redirect recording streams across multiple Verba instances (regions with separate Verba deployments). Instances are registered in the Hub and site information with associated recorded extensions (line/URI/User ID) and servers are shared across all registered extensions. The Application Servers (Media Repository) in the instances initiating the connection and the configuration update to the Hub and then the Hub distributes the new configuration to all instances. For more information on site and site group configuration, see Sites.
Supported integrations:
Symphony (using SIP 300 REDIRECT to route the SIP INVITE to the preferred Recording Server)

Deploying a Hub

A Hub is a separate Verba instance with one or more Application Servers (Media Repository) and a separate database. A Hub cannot use an existing Verba instance. 

To deploy a Hub, follow the installation guide:

Multiple Media Repository servers can be deployed to allow load balancing and failover. In this case, a load balancer has to be deployed in front of the servers. 

Enable Hub role

Once the Media Repository server(s) are deployed, the Hub role has to be manually enabled:

Step 1 - On the Media Repository server, open Regedit

Step 2 - Navigate to HKLM\Software\Verba

Step 3 - Change the Hub key to 1 (if it doesn't exist, create a new key (DWORD))

Step 4 - Restart the Verba Web Application Service

Step 5 - Repeat the previous steps for each Media Repository server in the Hub

Hub registration

To connect a Verba instance to the Hub, the instance has to be registered to the Hub.

Enable hub registration

Hub registration is disabled by default. In order to enable hub registration for an administrator user, the necessary permission has to be enabled in the role configuration. Follow the steps below to enable hub registration in a role.

Step 1 - In the Verba Web Interface go to Users / Roles

Step 2 - Select the role from the list (e,g, System Administrators)

Step 3 - On the Role Permissions tab, scroll to Administrative Permissions / Operation and Maintenance

Step 4 - Change the Site Configuration option to Read, Update, Create, Delete to grant full permission to sites configuration

Step 5 - Click on Save to save the new role configuration. Users with this role assigned will have access to site configuration after the next login.

Registering an instance

To register an instance to the Hub, follow the steps below.

Step 1 - In the Verba Web Interface of the instance which has to be registered, go to System / Hub

Step 2 - Enter the information required for the registration. See the description of the fields below:

Local Instance NameUnique name of the instance, which will appear on the Hub
Local Instance Web Application URLWeb Application URL of the instance. If you have multiple Media Repository serves in the instance, enter the root URL which is configured for the load balancer. 

URL of the Media Repository server(s) in the Hub. If you have multiple Media Repository serves in the Hub, enter the root URL which is configured for the load balancer. 


Hub API UserAPI user name configured on the Hub 
Hub API PasswordAPI user password 

Step 3 - Click Save 

Step 4 - Click on the Test Connection button to validate connectivity with the Hub. If the connection test fails, check the firewall and network connection with your systems/network administrator.

Step 5 - Click on the Register button to initiate the registration.

Distributing the configuration across instances

The Hub automatically distributes the site, site group, user, extension and server configuration across the registered instances. The configuration update is triggered by updating the related configuration on one of the instances. When the related configuration is updated, the Apply Configuration feature will list the Hub as a target for the new configuration (among all local servers deployed for the instance). After the Execute Selected Tasks button is preseed, the instance will send the new configuration to the Hub and the Hub will trigger the configuration update in all other registered instances.

Monitoring configuration updates

Configuration updates on the instances can be monitored by logging into the Hub and navigating to System / Instances.

In the list, you can find all registered instances with the following information:

NameThe name of the instance (provided during registration)
Web Application URLWeb Application URL of the instance
Configuration Last ReceivedDate and time of receiving the last configuration update from the instance
Last ContactedDate and time of last configuration query for the instance
Pending TasksList of configuration updates from instances which are not yet applied on the instance

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