Conversation direction and modality support

Conversation direction and modality support

The Verba system detects the direction of each conversation and stores this information in the conversation detail records.

Conversation direction can be one of the following:

Conversation directionDescription
InternalConversations between two endpoints inside the organization
ConferenceConversations where the user is part of a conference
ExternalConversations between two endpoints outside the organization
PSTN InConversations initiated in the PSTN network and coming into the organization
Federated InConversations initiated in a federated network and coming into the organization
Contact Center InConversations initiated in an external network and coming into the organization through a contact center application
PSTN OutConversations initiated inside and going out from the organization to the PSTN network
Federated OutConversations initiated inside and going out from the organization to a federated network
Contact Center OutConversations initiated inside and going out from the organization through a contact center application

Conversation direction detection using internal domain and number patterns

This feature allows proper call direction detection for recordings. It is essential when call direction is used in recording rules. By using a simple pattern (regular expression), the system is able to distinguish internal and external participants and set the call direction properly.

The call direction is defined based on the following rules:

Call DirectionDescription
InternalBoth participants are a match for the defined pattern
ExternalNeither of the participants is a match for the defined pattern
PSTN In, Federated InOnly the receiving party is a match for the defined pattern
PSTN Out, Federated Out

Only the initiating party is a match for the defined pattern

Internal Domain, Numbers Pattern Configuration

Step 0 - The configuration is available for the following service configurations:

    • Media Collector & Proxy -> General
    • Lync Filter -> General
    • Lync IM Filter -> General
    • SfB/Lync IM Recorder -> General
    • Passive Recorder -> Basics
    • Unified Call Recorder -> Recording Providers -> General
    • Avaya Recorder -> Avaya DMCC
    • Cisco Compliance -> IM Recording

Step 1 - In the Verba web interface click on Configuration > Servers and select your server, or select the appropriate Configuration Profile at Configuration > Configuration Profiles.

Step 2 - Click on the Change Configuration Settings tab.

Step 3 - Expand the service fields that are shown in Step 0.

Step 4 - Configure the Internal Domain, Numbers Pattern field. Standard regular expressions are used. 

Step 5 - Click the Save icon to save your settings.

Step 6 - A warning appears: " There are tasks to be executed...", click on the click here link.

Step 7 - Inspect the list of tasks that wait for execution and click on Execute Selected Tasks.

All settings for the services that are used should contain the same pattern. Otherwise, it can lead to missing recorded conversations when "Recorded Directions" condition is set to something different than "all".

The new settings take effect only on new calls since the call direction decision is made during the recording of the call.

Example Patterns

For regular expression language please refer to https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/az24scfc(v=vs.110).aspx.

To check and validate your regular expressions, you can use http://www.regexr.com/.

Example domains, numbers:

  • 1{DID}@
  • 12143221234@
  • some_extension_name@
  • other_extension_name@voip.example.com
  • extension_name@123456_subaccount
  • {DID}@123456_subaccount
Example DescriptionExample Pattern
Match your domain.*@yourdomain\.com
Match SIP URI that starts with "verba" plus one or more charaters and ends with "@yourdomain.com"verba(\w+)@yourdomain\.com
Match extension name that starts with "ext" plus one or more charaters and ends with "@"ext(\w+)@128\.144\.122\.12:5080
Match one digit numbers


Match four digit numbers


Match numbers that start with 1213 and has one or more numbers at the end1213[0-9]+
Match numbers that start with +1213 and has one or more numbers at the end\+1213[0-9]+
Match numbers that start with 1213 and has 3 additional numbers at the end1213[0-9]{3}
Match optional + sign at the beginning of a number\+*1213
Multiple conditions, match numbers that start with +12 or +13  plus one or more numbers at the end\+(12|13)[0-9]+
Multiple conditions, SIP URI / numbers.*@yourdomain\.com|1213[0-9]+
Multiple conditions, multiple numbers1213|1214|1215

Direction based recording

Extensions can be configured so that only certain directions are recorded. For example, some extensions should be recorded internally, but for others only PSTN incoming calls.

Support matrix

The following table shows the supported direction based recording rules for a modality and recorded platform.

ModalityServiceAllInternalPSTN InPSTN OutExternalFederated InFederated OutContact Center InContact Center OutConference
VoiceAvaya DMCC/JTAPIYes (tick)Yes (tick)Yes (tick)Yes (tick)Yes (tick)No (error)No (error)No (error)No (error)Yes (tick)
 Passive RecorderYes (tick)Yes (tick)Yes (tick)Yes (tick)Yes (tick)Yes (tick)Yes (tick)Yes (tick)Yes (tick)Yes (tick)


Unified Call RecorderYes (tick)Yes (tick)Yes (tick)Yes (tick)Yes (tick)Yes (tick)Yes (tick)No (error)No (error)No (error)
 Cisco network-based recording does not support call direction rules defined in the extension configuration! You can find more information below the table.
 Analogue and Radio RecorderNo ACL support
 Centile ConnectorNo ACL support
 Cisco MediaSense ConnectorYes (tick)No (error)No (error)No (error)No (error)No (error)No (error)No (error)No (error)No (error)
 Verba Import (Symphony)Yes (tick)Yes (tick)No (error)No (error)Yes (tick)No (error)No (error)No (error)No (error)No (error)
 Verba Import (Cloud9)Yes (tick)Yes (tick)No (error)No (error)No (error)No (error)No (error)No (error)No (error)No (error)
 Verba Import (RingCentral)Yes (tick)Yes (tick)No (error)No (error)Yes (tick)No (error)No (error)No (error)No (error)No (error)
 Verba Import (CyberTwice)Yes (tick)Yes (tick)No (error)No (error)Yes (tick)No (error)No (error)No (error)No (error)No (error)
VideoPassive RecorderYes (tick)Yes (tick)Yes (tick)Yes (tick)Yes (tick)Yes (tick)Yes (tick)Yes (tick)Yes (tick)Yes (tick)
 Unified Call RecorderYes (tick)Yes (tick)Yes (tick)Yes (tick)Yes (tick)Yes (tick)Yes (tick)No (error)No (error)No (error)
 Verba Import (Symphony)Yes (tick)Yes (tick)No (error)No (error)Yes (tick)No (error)No (error)No (error)No (error)No (error)
Instant MessagingSfB/Lync IM RecorderYes (tick)Yes (tick)No (error)No (error)Yes (tick)Yes (tick)Yes (tick)No (error)No (error)Yes (tick)
 Cisco ComplianceYes (tick)Yes (tick)No (error)No (error)Yes (tick)Yes (tick)Yes (tick)No (error)No (error)Yes (tick)
 Verba Import (Symphony)Yes (tick)Yes (tick)No (error)No (error)Yes (tick)No (error)No (error)No (error)No (error)No (error)
Desktop ScreenScreen Capture MultiplexerNo ACL support
Screen and Application SharePassive RecorderYes (tick)Yes (tick)Yes (tick)Yes (tick)Yes (tick)Yes (tick)Yes (tick)Yes (tick)Yes (tick)Yes (tick)
 Verba Import (Symphony)Yes (tick)Yes (tick)No (error)No (error)Yes (tick)No (error)No (error)No (error)No (error)No (error)
WhiteboardVerba ImportYes (tick)Yes (tick)No (error)No (error)No (error)No (error)No (error)No (error)No (error)Yes (tick)
Poll / Q&AVerba ImportYes (tick)Yes (tick)No (error)No (error)No (error)No (error)No (error)No (error)No (error)Yes (tick)
File ShareVerba ImportYes (tick)Yes (tick)No (error)No (error)No (error)No (error)No (error)No (error)No (error)Yes (tick)