Speech Search Results

Speech Search Results

Search results

Speech search results include an additional Confidence field, it shows how confident the system is regarding the accuracy of a particular hit.
There is only one confidence value for each call, if there are multiple phrase hits in a call, the highest confidence value will be shown here.


Showing search phrases

When performing a speech search and playing the media in the Verba Player (pressing the play button) the system automatically places markers in the audio to highlight the location of the keywords the user searched for.

The Verba Player will present speech search results tab (the Ear icon) in the Verba player in two cases:
  • During speech search - when a speech search is executed the player will only show the keywords used in the search criteria
  • Outside speech search - when there are no speech phrases in the search criteria, the player will show all stored phrase hits

Removing false hits

From time to time the system might find phrase hits, that are not actually corresponding with the actual search phrases.

If you notice a false hit, click the 'false hit' link next to the phrase marker of every hit.

By pressing this link (twice) the system will remove that hit from your future searches.