Automatic labeling

Automatic labeling

This article provides a guide to set up and manage automatic labeling.
Automatic labeling allows you to create labeling rules that apply and / or remove a configurable set of layers to calls selected by the specified criteria.

To set up and manage automatic labeling rules open the Verba Web interface and select Labels > Automatic Labeling.

A list of labeling rules is displayed showing the previously created rules.

Creating labeling rules

To create a new rule, click the 'Add New Label Rule' button. On the rule configuration page, you have the following options:

Configuration optionDescription
NameThe name of the rule. This is a mandatory field.
EnabledThe rule is only in operation if this field is set to 'Yes'
Add LabelsChoose the labels you want the rule to apply by selecting them in the list on the left then moving them to the list on the right using the '>>' button.
Remove labelsChoose the labels you want the rule to remove by selecting them in the list on the left then moving them to the list on the right using the '>>' button.
Send to recorded userEnable this to send an email notification to the recorded user of the conversations when the rule is executed on them
Send to all participating usersEnable this to send an email notification to all of the participating users of the conversations when the rule is executed on them
Send to all participating email addresses 
Send email toSends an email to the given email addresses in the list.
Conversation Detail Fields

Use this interface to specify filters for selecting calls to apply the rule to. Click the '+' button to add a new filter, select the call detail record field you wish to base it on, then add your criteria.
You can add more filters by repeating the previous step.

To delete a filter, click the trash icon next to it. 

When finished, click Save to save the rule. If the Enabled option was set to 'Yes', the rule is now active.

Editing existing labeling rules

To edit an existing rule, select it from the rule list then modify any of the options described in the previous section. To apply the changes, click Save.

You can use the 'Delete' button  to delete the rule.

At the bottom of the screen you can find some additional properties for the rule (creation and modification dates) and you can also view a detailed change history by clicking the 'View Change History' link.