Configuring turrets for recording

Configuring turrets for recording

The configuration consists of defining recording mixes, assigning mixes to recording profile and assigning recorder profile to users. 

Recording mix defines which audio sources are added to a recording channel

Step 1 - Create/modify recording mixes (Enterprise\Voice Recording\Recording Mixes)

Step 2 - Create/modify recording profile. Assign previously created mixes  (Enterprise\Voice Recording\Recording Profiles)

Step 3 - If 2N recording is desired, define duplication for the relevant mixes in the profile. The duplicated channels will go to the secondary recorder as well

Step 4 - Assign recording profile to the users (System Designer/End User Configuration)

For each recorded user select the appropriate recording profile.

Step 5 - Set the Recording protocol to IP and save the configuration


 Please note this is a device specific setting and so on right top corner the device type should be selected