Configuring Genesys active recording
Configuring Genesys active recording
For more information on the integration with Genesys, see Genesys
The configuration consists of:
Step 1 - Configuring Genesys
Step 2 - Configuring Verba for Genesys active recording
Step 3 - Add recorded users to Verba
This can be done manually (Extension list) or using Active Directory Synchronization. In the case of Genesys active recording:
- the directory number of the agent has to be added as recorded extensions,
- if the directory number is shared across multiple agents (free seating), the "Shared Line" text has to be added to the description of the recorded extension,
- and in addition, the agent IDs have to be added as well (when adding (or synchronizing) the agent IDs, the Type of the extensions has to be set to User/Agent ID).
Step 4 - Test all recording scenarios
, multiple selections available,