Case Management

Case Management

This article provides a guide for managing cases.

To access case management open the Verba Web interface and select Data > Manage Cases.

A list is displayed showing the cases that were previously configured. Clicking on any of the cases you can open it.

On the top of the page, there is an option to display cases created by your user or cases visible to your user. There is also a 'Find' interface to allow you to find the case you would like to manage faster.

Creating new cases

On the Find and List Cases page click the Add New Case button. On the Case configuration page, you have the following options.


Configuration option
StatusThe status of the case could be Open or Closed.
TitleThe name of the case. This will appear on the tag showing next to each conversation the case is applied to. This is a mandatory field.
DescriptionProvide an optional description for the case that appears in the case list.
Concern Labels

You can select specific labels which will indicate Case assignment. If one of the specified labels is assigned to a call this case will be assigned too.

Extend Access to List Conversations

This option allows you to extend access to list conversations assigned to the case.

    • No One: Access to the conversations assigned to the case does not change, meaning everyone who had access to the conversation before will retain it, but no additional users are given access.
    • Select Users: selecting this option will allow you to extend access to the conversation assigned to the case to additional users and/or groups.
    • Everyone: selecting this option will grant access to the conversations assigned to the case to every Verba user in the system.
Extend Access to Play Back Conversations

This option allows you to extend access to conversations assigned to the case.

    • No One: Access to the conversations assigned to the case does not change, meaning everyone who had access to the conversation before will retain it, but no additional users are given access.
    • Select Users: selecting this option will allow you to extend access to the conversation assigned to the case to additional users and/or groups.
    • Everyone: selecting this option will grant access to the conversations assigned to the case to every Verba user in the system.
Add/Remove Label to/From Conversations

This option controls which users can add and remove the case to/from conversations

    • Owner: only the creator of the case can apply or remove this case to/from conversations
    • Select users: the selected users and the members of the selected groups will be able to apply or remove this case to/from conversations
    • Everyone: every user in the system will be able to apply and remove this case to/from conversations
Legal Hold

This option allows you to enable Legal Hold for conversations assigned to the case. For more information on Legal Hold, see the corresponding article.

SaveClick Save to save the case.

After the case has been created the users who were granted access to it can apply or remove it to/from conversations they have access to.

Existing Case modification

To edit a case's settings, select it from the Case list. In addition to the adjustable settings covered above, the owner of the Case is displayed, along with a button to query the database for the number of conversations the case is currently applied to ('Count Conversations').

If the case is not marked as Legal Hold, the Delete button can be used to delete the case. When a case is deleted, it will be removed from every conversation, but the conversations themselves will not be deleted.

You can use the List Conversations button to list the conversations which are assigned to this case.

At the bottom of the screen, you can find some additional properties for the case (creation and modification dates) and you can also view a detailed change history by clicking the View Change History link.

The Authorization Requests section shows all events when access was requested for this specific case.

Click the Save button to save any changes you made.

Assigning calls to Case(s)

Calls can be assigned to Cases using the suitcase icon next to the calls.

To select the Case that needs to be assigned to the call, click on the suitcase icon. A pop-up window will show up and list the available cases.

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