Deploy the VFC Recording Controls Application

Deploy the VFC Recording Controls Application

Prepare the VFC Recording Controls Application Bundle

Please refer to vmr-shell-, where you will find the partially completed manifest.json file to modify, save, recompress and upload to Teams environment.

This bundle vmr-shell<build-number>.zip file, contains manifest.json file and two icon files.   Edit the manifest.json file of this bundle as following:

Step 1 - Replace {{teams-app-id}} with the App ID of the Teams app created above.

Step 2-  Replace all instances of {{verba-base-url}} with the Verba server’s base URL


App ID example
  "$schema": "https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/json-schemas/teams/v1.14/MicrosoftTeams.schema.json",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "manifestVersion": "1.14",
  "id": "150a0b12-9475-4b4f-8928-aef33d7d401e",
  "packageName": "com.package.name",
  "name": {
"staticTabs": [
            "entityId": "index",
            "name": "Recording Tab",
            "contentUrl": https://verbapool1app.demolab.com/verba/msTeamsApp,
            "websiteUrl": https://verbapool1app.demolab.com/verba/msTeamsApp,
            "scopes": [

Step 3Replace {{verba-server-domain}} with the Verba server’s domain name


Domain Name Example
"validDomains": [

Step 4 - Replace all instances of {{azure-app-id}} with "Application (client) ID" of the Microsoft Entra (formerly Azure AD) Application created above.


Azure App ID Example
"webApplicationInfo": {

         "id": "3ebcfff6-0b0b-4d8b-91d4-9b2a292c529e",
         "resource": "api://verbapool1app.demolab.com/3ebcfff6-0b0b-4d8b-91d4-9b2a292c529e"

Upload the VFC Recording Controls Application Bundle

Step 1 - Login to MS Teams Admin Portal https://admin.teams.microsoft.com/

Step 2 - Go to Teams / Manage app and choose “Upload new app”, and upload the app bundle prepared above.

Configure the Verba Server for the VFC Recording Controls Application 

Step 1 - The app only works over HTTPS protocol (with a public CA certificate), so make sure that is enabled in the Tomcat configuration. Instructions for this can be found here: Installing an SSL certificate for HTTPS access

Step 2 - The app application must use the following cookie settings: SameSite: none.

To achieve that open this file


Change the "CookieProcessor" tag "sameSiteCookies"  attribute value from "lax" to "none".

<CookieProcessor sameSiteCookies="none" />

Step 3 - Restart the web application service.

Link Users on the Verba Server

Step 1 - Import users with "Microsoft Entra ID (formerly Azure AD) sync" Active Directory synchronization

Step 2 - Setup an "Identity Provider" with the same Microsoft Entra application as it was created above Identity providers

Step 3Associate the newly created "Identity Provider" with Verba users. The quickest way is to associate the "Identity Provider" with “Standard User” role in Verba

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