Using the VFC Recording Controls Application

Using the VFC Recording Controls Application

Adding the VFC Recording Controls Application

Each Microsoft Teams user that is required to use the VFC Recording Controls Application, must add this to their Microsoft Teams Client.  

Login into MS Teams, go to Apps (using the Apps button on left side toolbar), search for VFR Record app and choose “Add”.

Using the VFC Recording Controls Application

The VFC Recording Controls Application for Microsoft Teams is separated into two main sections:

  • Active Conversations 
  • View Recordings 

Active Conversations

User's role has to contain the 'List Ongoing Conversation' permission.

The Active conversation area provides the following recording functionality.  Access to Start, Stop, Pause, Resume and View Recordings functionality is configurable.

Conversation MetadataThe system will display conversation metadata relating to the active Microsoft Teams Conversations. This includes the following values; From, To, Call Start Date and Time, and Call Duration
Recording StatusThe system will display if the system is recording the conversation or not
Start ControlUI Control / Button to Initiate Recording
Stop ControlUI Control / Button to Stop Recording
Pause and Resume ControlsUser has the ability to Pause and Resume Compliance Recording. This may be required if the conversation topic includes PII or other scenario that should not be recorded for a period of time. Please note, Pause / Resume requires always on recording and will create One Recording. Start / Stop will create multiple recording files.

Start Recording (desktop example)
Start and Stop Recording (mobile examples)

View Recordings

The View Recording's button will launch the VFC application (embedded and iframed within the  Microsoft Teams Client).  

Please refer to User Guide for more details.

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