SMTP Placeholder Fields

SMTP Placeholder Fields

In the SMTP configuration fields one can put placeholders and macros (expressions) that will be replaced by call-related metadata information when the actual e-mail is constructed.

Here is the list of available placeholder fields with their description:

Caller Party
[From]Phone number or address of the caller party 
[FromName]The display name of the caller party
[FromIP]The IP address of the caller party 
[FromDeviceID]The device identifier of the caller party 
[FromRTPCount]The RTP packet count of the caller party 
Verba From Party
[FromLoginName]The login ID of the Verba user associated with the caller party 
[FromVerbaName]The display name of the Verba user associated with the caller party 
[FromEmailAddress]The email address of the Verba user associated with the caller party 
[FromUserCustomField0], [FromUserCustomField1], ... [FromUserCustomField9]The custom user field 0, 1, ... 9 of the Verba user associated with the caller party 
Called Party
[To]Phone number or address of the called party 
[ToName]The display name of the called party 
[ToIP]The IP address of the called party 
[ToDeviceID]The device identifier of the called party 
[ToRTPCount]The RTP packet count of the called party 
Verba To Party
[ToLoginName]The login ID of the Verba user associated with the called party 
[ToVerbaName]The display name of the Verba user associated with the called party 
[ToEmailAddress]The email address of the Verba user associated with the called party 
[ToUserCustomField0], [ToUserCustomField1], ... [ToUserCustomField9]The custom user field 0, 1, ... 9 of the Verba user associated with the called party 
Conversation IDs
[VerbaConversationID]Verba unique conversation identifier 
[PlatformConversationID]Conversation identifier provided by the communication platform 
[Conference] In the case of conference recording, it shows "true" otherwise "false" 
[ConferenceParticipants]A comma-separated list of phone numbers (and e-mail addresses when available), e.g.: "testuser1" <testuser1@verbatest.local>, "testuser2" <testuser2@verbatest.local>, "John Doe", "Jane Doe" 
[NumberOfParticipants]The number of conference participants 
[MeetingID]Meeting identifier provided by the communication platform 
[StartDateTime]The start datetime of the conversation in GMT, e.g.: 2019.05.31 16:56:16.388 
[StartDate]The start date of the conversation in GMT, e.g.: 2019.05.31 
[StartTime]The start time of the conversation in GMT, e.g.: 16:56:16.388 
[EndDateTime]The end datetime of the conversation in GMT, e.g.: 2019.05.31 16:56:46.848
[EndDate]The end date of the conversation in GMT, e.g.: 2019.05.31 
[EndTime]The end time of the conversation in GMT, e.g.: 16:56:46.848 
[Duration]The length of the conversation formatted as: days hours:minutes:seconds 
[DurationInMinutes]The length of the conversation in minutes 
[MediaLength]The length of the recorded media file in seconds 
SMTP Generation
[Year]The current year in GMT 
[Month]The current month in GMT 
[Day]The current day in GMT 
[Hour]The current hour in GMT 
[Minute]The current minute in GMT 
[Second]The current second in GMT 
[DateTime]The current datetime in GMT, e.g.: 2019.05.27 14:26:46.396 
[PolicyName]The name of the export policy 
Conversation Details
[Modality]The display name of the modality, e.g.: Voice, Video, Instant Messaging, Desktop Screen, Screen & Application Share 
[ModalityId]The ID of the modality, e.g.: voice, video, instant_messaging, desktop_screen, screen_and_applicaton_share 
[RecordedParty]The value of [From] or [To] or "Unknown" when unset 
[Direction]The direction of the conversation from the system point of view as text, e.g.: "Internal", "PSTN Incoming", "PSTN Outgoing", "Inter-tenant", "Dictation", "External", "Federated Incoming", "Federated Outgoing", "Contact Center Incoming", "Contact Center Outgoing", "Conference", "Undefined" 
[DirectionUser]The direction of the conversation from the recorded user point of view as text, e.g.: "Inbound", "Outbound" or "Unknown" 
[RecordingServer]The hostname of the recording server 
[EndCause]The conversation end cause as text, e.g.: "Normal", "Caller termination", Callee termination", "Transfer", "Hold", etc. 
[UserID]The User ID obtained from the communication platform 
Errors & Statistics
[RecordingFailed]If the recording failed, it shows "true" otherwise "false" 
[MediaError]The media error as text (it can contain any or none, space character separated list), e.g.: "No media", "Length mismatch", "RTP duplication", "RTP loss", "SRTP decryption", "Decoding error", "Media mixing", "One direction", "Missing file", "Corrupted file" 
[SilenceRatio]Silence to call length ratio in percent, e.g.: 68 
[TalkoverRatio]The length where both participants are talking to call length ratio in percent, e.g.: 32 
[LongestSilence]Longest silence in seconds 
Instant Messaging Transcript (for more details please use the links)
[IMTranscript]Displays the IM transcript with the timezone of the Verba user who created this policy 
[IMTranscript_InUserTimezone]Displays the IM transcript in the recorded user's timezone
[IMTranscript_NoLeaveJoin]Excludes the "Entered Conversation" and "Left Conversation" messages 
[IMTranscript_NoLeaveJoin_InUserTimezone]Excludes the "Entered Conversation" and "Left Conversation" messages in the recorded user's timezone
[IMTranscript_HTML]Displays the messages using HTML formatting in GMT timezone
[IMTranscript_HTML_InUserTimezone]Displays the messages using HTML formatting in the recorded user's timezone
[IMTranscript_HTML_NoLeaveJoin]Displays the messages using HTML formatting and excludes the "Entered Conversation" and "Left Conversation" messages in GMT timezone
Transcript_HTML_NoLeaveJoin_InUserTimezone]Displays the messages using HTML formatting and excludes the "Entered Conversation" and "Left Conversation" messages in the recorded user's timezone


Displays the IM transcript in plain text format in GMT timezone
[IMTranscript2_InUserTimezone]Displays the IM transcript in plain text format in the recorded user's timezone
[IMTranscript2_HTML]Displays the IM transcript using HTML formatting in GMT timezone
[IMTranscript2_HTML_InUserTimezone]Displays the IM transcript using HTML formatting in the recorded user's timezone
[IMTranscript3]Displays the advanced IM transcript in GMT timezone
[IMTranscript3_HTML]Displays the advanced IM transcript in the recorded user's timezone
[IMTranscript4_HTML]Displays the messages using HTML formatting in GMT timezone, formatted table


The number of recorded IM messages 
Voice Transcription
[Transcription]Voice transcription text 
Metadata Templates
[Meta-TemplateID-ColumnIndex-FriendlyName]The FriendlyName is an optional syntax element and is not used by the service. It is available to make the configuration more human-readable. 

For example: [Meta-14-3-BT_ITS_Line] where the TemplateID=14 is the BT-ITS metadata template, ColumnIndex=3 is the Line field.

ISNULL( [value1] , [value2] , [value3] )First not null (empty) value will be chosen 
ISIM( [value] )Text in the phranteses will be only displayed when the attachment is an IM file
ISNOTIM( [value] )Text in the phranteses will be only displayed when the attachment is not an IM file 
ISVOICE( [value] )Text in the phranteses will be only displayed when the attachment is a Voice file 
ISNOTVOICE( [value] )Text in the phranteses will be only displayed when the attachment is not a Voice file 
ISVIDEO( [value] )Text in the phranteses will be only displayed when the attachment is a Video file 
ISNOTVIDEO( [value] )Text in the phranteses will be only displayed when the attachment is not a Video file 
ISDESKTOP( [value] )Text in the phranteses will be only displayed when the attachment is a Desktop Screen file 
ISNOTDESKTOP( [value] )Text in the phranteses will be only displayed when the attachment is not a Desktop Screen file 
ISSHARE( [value] )Text in the phranteses will be only displayed when the attachment is a Screen & Application Share file 
ISNOTSHARE( [value] )Text in the phranteses will be only displayed when the attachment is not a Screen & Application Share file 
DATETIME( [value], [date format])Format date time value, using %ddd as name of day, %MMM as name of month, %yyyy as year, %MM as month, %dd as day, %HH as hour, %mm as month, %ss as second. Example:

DATETIME([EndDateTime]),%ddd, %dd %MMM %yyyy %HH:%mm:%ss)

Note: if there is a leading space in the format string, then the result will also contain a leading space.

Warning: Do not use DATETIME() in the Headers section in the Date field.

If you leave blank fields then Verba will use the following default values:

  • Header From = ISNULL([FromEmailAddress],[From],[FromName],[FromDeviceID],[FromIP],[FromLoginName],[FromUserCustomField0])
  • Header To = ISNULL([ToEmailAddress],[To],[ToName],[ToDeviceID],[ToIP],[ToLoginName],[ToUserCustomField0])
  • Header CC = [ConferenceParticipants]
  • Title = Verba Technologies - Export action (  <policy_name> ) - [VerbaConversationID]