SMTP Placeholder Fields
SMTP Placeholder Fields
In the SMTP configuration fields one can put placeholders and macros (expressions) that will be replaced by call-related metadata information when the actual e-mail is constructed.
Here is the list of available placeholder fields with their description:
Caller Party | |
[From] | Phone number or address of the caller party |
[FromName] | The display name of the caller party |
[FromIP] | The IP address of the caller party |
[FromDeviceID] | The device identifier of the caller party |
[FromRTPCount] | The RTP packet count of the caller party |
Verba From Party | |
[FromLoginName] | The login ID of the Verba user associated with the caller party |
[FromVerbaName] | The display name of the Verba user associated with the caller party |
[FromEmailAddress] | The email address of the Verba user associated with the caller party |
[FromUserCustomField0], [FromUserCustomField1], ... [FromUserCustomField9] | The custom user field 0, 1, ... 9 of the Verba user associated with the caller party |
Called Party | |
[To] | Phone number or address of the called party |
[ToName] | The display name of the called party |
[ToIP] | The IP address of the called party |
[ToDeviceID] | The device identifier of the called party |
[ToRTPCount] | The RTP packet count of the called party |
Verba To Party | |
[ToLoginName] | The login ID of the Verba user associated with the called party |
[ToVerbaName] | The display name of the Verba user associated with the called party |
[ToEmailAddress] | The email address of the Verba user associated with the called party |
[ToUserCustomField0], [ToUserCustomField1], ... [ToUserCustomField9] | The custom user field 0, 1, ... 9 of the Verba user associated with the called party |
Conversation IDs | |
[VerbaConversationID] | Verba unique conversation identifier |
[PlatformConversationID] | Conversation identifier provided by the communication platform |
Conference | |
[Conference] | In the case of conference recording, it shows "true" otherwise "false" |
[ConferenceParticipants] | A comma-separated list of phone numbers (and e-mail addresses when available), e.g.: "testuser1" <testuser1@verbatest.local>, "testuser2" <testuser2@verbatest.local>, "John Doe", "Jane Doe" |
[NumberOfParticipants] | The number of conference participants |
[MeetingID] | Meeting identifier provided by the communication platform |
Conversation Time | |
[StartDateTime] | The start datetime of the conversation in GMT, e.g.: 2019.05.31 16:56:16.388 |
[StartDate] | The start date of the conversation in GMT, e.g.: 2019.05.31 |
[StartTime] | The start time of the conversation in GMT, e.g.: 16:56:16.388 |
[EndDateTime] | The end datetime of the conversation in GMT, e.g.: 2019.05.31 16:56:46.848 |
[EndDate] | The end date of the conversation in GMT, e.g.: 2019.05.31 |
[EndTime] | The end time of the conversation in GMT, e.g.: 16:56:46.848 |
[Duration] | The length of the conversation formatted as: days hours:minutes:seconds |
[DurationInMinutes] | The length of the conversation in minutes |
[MediaLength] | The length of the recorded media file in seconds |
SMTP Generation | |
[Year] | The current year in GMT |
[Month] | The current month in GMT |
[Day] | The current day in GMT |
[Hour] | The current hour in GMT |
[Minute] | The current minute in GMT |
[Second] | The current second in GMT |
[DateTime] | The current datetime in GMT, e.g.: 2019.05.27 14:26:46.396 |
[PolicyName] | The name of the export policy |
Conversation Details | |
[Modality] | The display name of the modality, e.g.: Voice, Video, Instant Messaging, Desktop Screen, Screen & Application Share |
[ModalityId] | The ID of the modality, e.g.: voice, video, instant_messaging, desktop_screen, screen_and_applicaton_share |
[RecordedParty] | The value of [From] or [To] or "Unknown" when unset |
[Direction] | The direction of the conversation from the system point of view as text, e.g.: "Internal", "PSTN Incoming", "PSTN Outgoing", "Inter-tenant", "Dictation", "External", "Federated Incoming", "Federated Outgoing", "Contact Center Incoming", "Contact Center Outgoing", "Conference", "Undefined" |
[DirectionUser] | The direction of the conversation from the recorded user point of view as text, e.g.: "Inbound", "Outbound" or "Unknown" |
[RecordingServer] | The hostname of the recording server |
[EndCause] | The conversation end cause as text, e.g.: "Normal", "Caller termination", Callee termination", "Transfer", "Hold", etc. |
[UserID] | The User ID obtained from the communication platform |
Errors & Statistics | |
[RecordingFailed] | If the recording failed, it shows "true" otherwise "false" |
[MediaError] | The media error as text (it can contain any or none, space character separated list), e.g.: "No media", "Length mismatch", "RTP duplication", "RTP loss", "SRTP decryption", "Decoding error", "Media mixing", "One direction", "Missing file", "Corrupted file" |
[SilenceRatio] | Silence to call length ratio in percent, e.g.: 68 |
[TalkoverRatio] | The length where both participants are talking to call length ratio in percent, e.g.: 32 |
[LongestSilence] | Longest silence in seconds |
Instant Messaging Transcript (for more details please use the links) | |
[IMTranscript] | Displays the IM transcript with the timezone of the Verba user who created this policy |
[IMTranscript_InUserTimezone] | Displays the IM transcript in the recorded user's timezone |
[IMTranscript_NoLeaveJoin] | Excludes the "Entered Conversation" and "Left Conversation" messages |
[IMTranscript_NoLeaveJoin_InUserTimezone] | Excludes the "Entered Conversation" and "Left Conversation" messages in the recorded user's timezone |
[IMTranscript_HTML] | Displays the messages using HTML formatting in GMT timezone |
[IMTranscript_HTML_InUserTimezone] | Displays the messages using HTML formatting in the recorded user's timezone |
[IMTranscript_HTML_NoLeaveJoin] | Displays the messages using HTML formatting and excludes the "Entered Conversation" and "Left Conversation" messages in GMT timezone |
Transcript_HTML_NoLeaveJoin_InUserTimezone] | Displays the messages using HTML formatting and excludes the "Entered Conversation" and "Left Conversation" messages in the recorded user's timezone |
Displays the IM transcript in plain text format in GMT timezone | |
[IMTranscript2_InUserTimezone] | Displays the IM transcript in plain text format in the recorded user's timezone |
[IMTranscript2_HTML] | Displays the IM transcript using HTML formatting in GMT timezone |
[IMTranscript2_HTML_InUserTimezone] | Displays the IM transcript using HTML formatting in the recorded user's timezone |
[IMTranscript3] | Displays the advanced IM transcript in GMT timezone |
[IMTranscript3_HTML] | Displays the advanced IM transcript in the recorded user's timezone |
[IMTranscript4_HTML] | Displays the messages using HTML formatting in GMT timezone, formatted table |
[NumberOfMessages] | The number of recorded IM messages |
Voice Transcription | |
[Transcription] | Voice transcription text |
Metadata Templates | |
[Meta-TemplateID-ColumnIndex-FriendlyName] | The FriendlyName is an optional syntax element and is not used by the service. It is available to make the configuration more human-readable. For example: [Meta-14-3-BT_ITS_Line] where the TemplateID=14 is the BT-ITS metadata template, ColumnIndex=3 is the Line field. |
Expressions | |
ISNULL( [value1] , [value2] , [value3] ) | First not null (empty) value will be chosen |
ISIM( [value] ) | Text in the phranteses will be only displayed when the attachment is an IM file |
ISNOTIM( [value] ) | Text in the phranteses will be only displayed when the attachment is not an IM file |
ISVOICE( [value] ) | Text in the phranteses will be only displayed when the attachment is a Voice file |
ISNOTVOICE( [value] ) | Text in the phranteses will be only displayed when the attachment is not a Voice file |
ISVIDEO( [value] ) | Text in the phranteses will be only displayed when the attachment is a Video file |
ISNOTVIDEO( [value] ) | Text in the phranteses will be only displayed when the attachment is not a Video file |
ISDESKTOP( [value] ) | Text in the phranteses will be only displayed when the attachment is a Desktop Screen file |
ISNOTDESKTOP( [value] ) | Text in the phranteses will be only displayed when the attachment is not a Desktop Screen file |
ISSHARE( [value] ) | Text in the phranteses will be only displayed when the attachment is a Screen & Application Share file |
ISNOTSHARE( [value] ) | Text in the phranteses will be only displayed when the attachment is not a Screen & Application Share file |
DATETIME( [value], [date format]) | Format date time value, using %ddd as name of day, %MMM as name of month, %yyyy as year, %MM as month, %dd as day, %HH as hour, %mm as month, %ss as second. Example: DATETIME([EndDateTime]),%ddd, %dd %MMM %yyyy %HH:%mm:%ss) Note: if there is a leading space in the format string, then the result will also contain a leading space. Warning: Do not use DATETIME() in the Headers section in the Date field. |
If you leave blank fields then Verba will use the following default values:
- Header From = ISNULL([FromEmailAddress],[From],[FromName],[FromDeviceID],[FromIP],[FromLoginName],[FromUserCustomField0])
- Header To = ISNULL([ToEmailAddress],[To],[ToName],[ToDeviceID],[ToIP],[ToLoginName],[ToUserCustomField0])
- Header CC = [ConferenceParticipants]
- Title = Verba Technologies - Export action ( <policy_name> ) - [VerbaConversationID]
, multiple selections available,