Verba server configuration profiles

Verba server configuration profiles

Verba server configuration profiles help administrators to easily configure and maintain Verba servers. The configuration profiles hold common configuration settings for a group of Verba servers. After changing a configuration setting in the profile, the change can be easily populated to the effected server by a single button click.

During system installation every server is assigned to a default configuration profile based on the server role.

Find and list configuration profiles

Select System / Configuration Profiles menu item. You can use the quick filter above the title, to apply the query and press enter.

Creating a configuration profile

You can create a new configuration profile by clicking on the Add New Configuration Profile link on the System / Configuration Profiles page. After selecting the link, the following page is opened.

The following table describes the available fields:

Field Name




The name of the configuration profile.

Required field.

Minimum length: 3

Maximum length: 128

TypeChoose the server role for the configuration profile. Only servers with selected role can be assigned to the configuration profile.

Required field.

DefaultIndicates whether this profile is the default one or not.


Copy Settings from ProfileCopy settings from a preexisting profile-

After filling out the form, press the Save button to save the configuration profile data into the database.

Modifying and deleting configuration profiles

To edit a configuration profile entry, you have to click on the desired row of the list showing registered configuration profiles. After clicking on the row, a new page opens automatically. 

To make changes effective, press the Save button. All conditions, which are described in the previous part, have to be met.

You can delete the configuration profile by clicking on the Delete button. Only those profiles can be deleted, which does not have any server linked to it.

Profile level and server level configuration

The system highlights the configuration items that are different from the profile value, both in the profile and server configuration.
In the server configuration the checkbox notes that the local configuration should overwrite the central value.

Profile configuration:

Server configuration: