Recording modes

Recording modes

The system supports multiple recording modes to control how conversations are recorded, captured or imported, whether it requires user interaction or not. Different recording modes might have different licensing requirements. Some recording modes are only available for specific integrations and modalities. The table below summarizes the available recording modes.

Recording ModeDescriptionSupported ModalitiesSupported Integrations


All conversations are automatically recorded and stored for the configured extension.All modalitiesAll integrations
On-demandAll conversations are automatically recorded, but they are first put into a buffer. If the recorded user (or his/her group supervisor) marks the conversation to be kept then the conversation is placed into the permanent store. If it is left unmarked then it is automatically deleted after a period of time that is defined in the configuration (up to 48 hours).Voice, Video, Screen and Application Share, File Share, Instant Messaging, SMSAll integrations except trader voice, radio, imports

The users need to start recording manually, conversations are not recorded automatically. Users can trigger recording:

The recording is started only when the user triggers recording, the conversation will not contain the entire conversation. The recording can be stopped using the same controls. Users can restart recording as well, in this case, a new recording is created in the system.

VoiceAll integrations except trader voice, radio, imports
Controlled, Auto-startAll conversations are automatically recorded and the users have the ability to stop recording at any time using the same controls available for controlled recording (see above). Users can restart recording as well, in this case, a new recording is created in the system.VoiceAll integrations except trader voice, radio, imports
Do not recordThe configured extension will not trigger recording.All modalitiesAll integrations except Avaya, radio, BT ITS
Never RecordA conversation will never be recorded if the configured extension is a participant, even if other participants are configured for recording. All modalitiesAll integrations except Avaya, radio, BT ITS
Relay OnlyThe extension will not be recorded, but the calls will be relayed through a Verba proxy.Voice, Video, Screen and Application SharingSkype for Business
Announcement OnlyThe extension will not be recorded, but an announcement will be played by the system.N/ASkype for Business