Accessing the web interface

Accessing the web interface

Web access with login

The Verba System can be securely accessed through a standard web browser with a user identity.

The following HTTP address (URL) must be entered into the address field:


ServerNameorIPAddress is the Verba Media Repository server name or IP address.  Please contact the network administrator if the server name or IP address is not known.

When Verba is configured to use the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL - HTTPS) protocol, the following address shall be entered into the address bar to access the web interface:


Verba web interface shall be run on the supported web browsers only!  Using other web browsers may result in missing pages, missing parts of pages, and non-functional pages.

The Verba user interface may be accessed quickly by adding the index page to the "Favorites" list of the browser after the first run.  By doing so the server address will be populated automatically at every start.

Web access with Single sign-on (SSO) authentication

The Verba web application supports single sign-on authentication, that is a user has to provide login credentials only one time, from then on authentication is done in the background using Microsoft Windows Domain authentication information. Practically, when a user is logged into the Windows Domain on the PC, they can access the web application without authenticating again.

In order to access the web interface with SSO, use the following URL:


When Verba is configured to use the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL - HTTPS) protocol, the following address shall be entered into the address bar to access the web interface:


Access control

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