Using the Cisco IP phone service

Using the Cisco IP phone service

Many convenient features of the Verba System are available from Cisco IP phones.

The following functions are available for XML-capable Cisco IP phone users:

  • On-Demand recording capability for those extensions where this recording mode is configured in the Verba system. Users can select the current conversation to be recorded through an XML-capable Cisco IP phone.  For users with extensions constantly monitored and recorded the on-demand conversation recording function is not applicable.
    Regardless, when the user marks the conversation for recording during the conversation, the entire conversation will be recorded (not only from the point of recording request).
  • Silent monitoring and whisper coaching features allow supervisors to silent monitor and/or whisper coach agents using their Cisco IP phones. The same feature is available on the web interface, see Silent monitoring ongoing conversations.
  • Conversation tagging allows the user to assign a tag to an ongoing conversation or to an already recorded one. Users can assign (add) a tag to a conversation by selecting it from a predefined list of values (configurable) using the screen of the IP phone. Only those users are able to tag their conversations who have the commenting right. For more information about rights visit User rights.
  • Adding markers to an ongoing conversation (Bookmark). These markers are displayed in the Verba Player during playback to support call analysis and information sharing. For more information see Markers on page.
  • Flagging a conversation as Private. Users can flag both ongoing and already completed recorded conversations as private from their phone in addition to doing it through the web-based interface. Private conversations can be played back only by the participants of the conversation. For detailed information see Private conversations and User rights.
  • Flagging a conversation as Important. Conversations flagged as important can be listed directly through the Conversations / Important conversations menu item on the web interface.  More information is available in the Important conversations section.
  • Sending an email with a link pointing to a URL. This provides direct access to the conversation (conversation detail page) for the recipient the conversation is "one click away". Authentication is performed before allowing access to the conversation.

In order to provide access to the Verba Phone service for the user, the system administrator needs to configure the Verba Phone Service for the user's Cisco IP phone device (for details check Configuring the Cisco IP Phone service).

Supported Cisco IP phone models: every XML capable phone.

The Verba Phone Service provides access to certain functions of the XML service by a single button click (only available if Verba is used without authentication). This access method provides features for ongoing conversations only.