Using the form designer

Using the form designer

The system offers a very convenient, drag & drop based user interface to quickly and easily design and create evaluation forms. In order to access the form designer interface, select the desired form first and click on the Form Designer tab.

Each form consists of a set of sections containing the questions. A form section is a structural element of the form, which helps to organize the form questions. Usually, a form section contains questions related to the same field/topic.

The form designer configuration can be saved along with other form parameters by pressing the Save button.

Form elements panel

A key component of the form designer interface is the Form Elements panel on the left side of the window. The toolbar panel contains a list of building blocks available to design an evaluation form. It displays new elements and already defined/added ones as well. In order to add an element to the form, simply drag it in the elements panel and drop it in an empty section or question holder position. While dragging an element, the system automatically displays the available section or question positions if you move the cursor over the form. Once a section or question is placed, it can be configured further.

The tool icon on the upper right side of the panel can be used to control the 3-state appearance of the panel.

Section configuration

You can add a new section by dragging an existing or a new item from the form elements panel and dropping it to an available section holder position.

The name of the section can be edited directly in the form designer, just click on the label and edit it.

The following table summarizes the available actions for a section placed into the form:




Move section upMoves the section up by one section position.
Move section downMoves the section down by one section position.
Configure sectionOpens the section configuration window.
Delete sectionDeletes the entire section including all questions under it.

Form section parameters can be edited by clicking on the Configure icon. The following table describes the available configuration options:

Field Name




Title of the section.

Required field.

Minimum length: 3

Maximum length: 512


Weight of the section. This numerical value is used to change the weight of the questions for the entire section. If the weight of a section is greater than 1, the question scores for the section are multiplied by the weight value.

Required field.

Minimum value: 1

Maximum value: 32767

Only positive integers can be defined.

After filling out the form, press the Ok button to apply the changes for the section. It does NOT save the changes to the database, you have to press the Save button on the form designer to store the configuration values into the database.

Question configuration

You can add a new question by dragging an existing or a new item from the form elements panel and dropping it to an available question holder position. The system supports different type of questions, which are listed as different items. The following question types are available in the system:

Question Type


Yes / No / N/AIt is a built-in multiple choice type of question. You can assign scores for the Yes / No values.
Yes / NoIt is a built-in multiple choice type of question. You can assign scores for the Yes / No values.
Multiple ChoiceYou can freely configure the available options and the corresponding scores for the items.
TextA text based question type. There is no score associated with it. Usually, it can be used to provide free text answers or provide comments to the agents.
NumericA direct score value can be entered in this type of questions.

The name of the question can be edited directly in the form designer, just click on the label and edit it.

The following table summarizes the available actions for a question placed into the form:




Move question upMoves the question up by one question position.
Move question downMoves the question down by one question position.
Configure questionOpens the question configuration window.
Delete questionDeletes the question.

Form question parameters can be edited by clicking on the Configure icon. The following table describes the available configuration options:

Field Name




Title of the section.

Required field.

Minimum length: 3

Maximum length: 512


Type of the question. This setting is not modifiable. If you want to change the type of the question, you have to delete it first and drag & drop another question with the desired type.

MandatorySets whether filling the text box is mandatory or not.-

You can choose the display type of the available answers for the question:

  • Radio buttons
  • Dropdown box
SkillYou can select the skill for the question. The color of the selected skill is displayed in front of the question. For further information about the skills, see Skill administration.-
Available pointsDefines the maximum score value for the question. This field is only editable for the Numeric type of questions. For other question types, this value is automatically calculated based on the scores defined for the answers.

Required field.

Minimum value: 0

Maximum value: 32767

Only positive integers can be defined.

Auto failThis option lets you define a score value for the question, which triggers the failure of the given section or the entire scorecard if the defined score value is not achieved. When the auto failure is activated it modifies all score values to zero in the given section or on the entire form. This auto fail score value cannot be greater than the available maximum score for the question.-


Weight of the question. This numerical value is used to change the weight of the question. If the weight of a question is greater than 1, the question score is multiplied by the weight value.

Required field.

Minimum value: 1

Maximum value: 32767

Only positive integers can be defined.

DefaultYou can choose, which answer should be selected by default when the form is presented to the supervisors.-
LabelDefines the label for the given answer option for multiple choice type of questions including the built-in ones.

Required field.

Minimum length: 3

Maximum length: 64

PointDefines the score value for the given answer option for multiple choice type of questions including the built-in ones.

Required field.

Minimum value: 1

Maximum value: 32767

Only positive integers can be defined.

After filling out the form, press the Ok button to apply the changes for the question. It does NOT save the changes to the database, you have to press the Save button on the form designer to store the configuration values into the database.

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