Overriding content includes

Overriding content includes


Allows customization HTML content in places where the web interface supports it.

Currently there are two override hooks in the web application that allow customization of HTML content:

Overridable file


Included by

main\login_info.jspPresented on the login page below the login formmain/login.jsp
main\main_info.jspPresented in the middle of the main screen of the applicationmain/main.jsp

It is not recommended to override the .jsp files in the "Included by" column.

In case your HTML requires further resources like styles or images or additional new content, we recommend to put those into a folder called custom.


Using multiple languages

For each supported language you can add language specific files by adding a language code before the .jsp extension. Examples:


If the language of the user is not present as a language specific file, the main file is used without the language code.

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