Put Media

Put Media


Uploads a media file with metadata.

The function is available as an HTTP POST request. CDR metadata should be added to the request URL as GET parameters, the media file(s) should be in the POST body with multipart/form-data encoding (normal file upload).





The following parameters can be defined in the URL: 

URL parameterExample


actionPutMediaName of the HTTP API request.Mandatory
apiKey74c8eea0-50c6-40b2-9f3e-252ed501c3c8API key used to identify the application.Mandatory
token09835e02-6c10-11e0-bb22-ba324924019bUnique identifier for authenticated sessions. After successful authentication, the API sends back a token, which has to be used for each request.Mandatory if authentication is configured for the given API key.
nativeid3A4B8016-FA30-44EC-9C1F-63D7279F8A68Platform ID of the added media file (e.g. SIP ID for SIP IP calls) 
locationHOSTNAMEName of the device where the media is recorded  
starttime2011-03-24 14:02:19.673Start time of the recordingMandatory
endtime2011-03-24 14:10:25End time of the recordingMandatory
srccallerid1234Phone number of the caller party 
srcip address of the caller party 
srcnameJoeName of the caller party 
dstcallerid1235Phone number of the called party 
dstip192.168.1.2 IP address of the called party  
dstnameSusanName of the called party 
audiocodec0Codec ID of the recorded media 
direction1Direction of the recorded media (e.g. incoming call) 
cause0Termination code of the media recording (e.g. 0 is normal) 
donotdelete0Marks if the call is protected 
conference0Marks if the call is a conference with more than 2 parties 
signalingid1Signalling used by the recorded media session 
recorderserviceid10ID of the recording technology used to record the media 


XML based response sample on success:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


<Response code="0" type="PutMedia"/>




XML based response sample on error:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


<Response code="-20" type="PutMedia">

<ErrorMessage>starttime parameter is mandatory</ErrorMessage>



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