New Users' Properties Rules

New Users' Properties Rules

Above the capabilities of the Active Directory Synchronization Profiles, Verba provides the ability for mapping certain LDAP attributes and security group (or OU) memberships to specific properties of the synchronized AD users. With the New Users' Properties Rules, multiple rule sets can be created in order to fully automatize the user management based on Active Directory. To configure the rules, go to the Users \ Active Directory Synchronization menu, then click on the Manage New Users' Properties Rules link in the upper right corner

New Users' Properties Rules List

Once the Manage New Users' Properties Rules link is clicked, the rule list page will show up. On this page, it's possible to search based on the Name or the Description of the rules.

The list can be exported into XLS, RTF or PDF.

Adding New Rules

New rules can be added by clicking on the Add New Rule link in the upper right corner of the New Users' Properties Rules List page.

Setting NameDescription
IDUnique ID generated automatically after saving.
PriorityThe priority setting determines the execution sequence of the rules. The highest priority will be executed first.
NameThe name of the rule.
DescriptionShort description of the rule.
Default LDAP QueryThe defined rule items will be executed only on the AD users which falls into the LDAP filter defined here.
Validate and RunRuns the LDAP query provided using the selected Active Directory Synchronization profile, and shows the users found.

New rule items can be added by clicking on the  icon. Once the icon clicked, a new rule item section will appear. Multiple rule items can be added to a single rule. If a rule item is no longer required, then it can be removed by clicking on the Remove Item link.


Setting NameDescription
IDUnique ID generated automatically after saving.
LDAP QueryThe LDAP filter for the specific AD user attribute or membership, based on which the Verba side setting will be set.
Validate and RunRuns the LDAP query provided using the selected Active Directory Synchronization profile, and shows the users found.
PropertyThe Verba user or extension property to set.
Set ToThe value to set at the property set above.

Once all the required rule items configured, click on the Save button to save the new Rule.

Assigning the Rules to the Active Directory Synchronization Profiles

Step 1 - Go to the Users \ Active Directory Synchronization menu.

Step 2 - Select the AD Synchronization Profile. (In the case of merged profiles, select the base profile)

Step 3 - At the Assign New Users' Properties Rules setting, assign the rules by clicking on the >> icon.

Step 4 - Click Save.



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