- style
Responsive design
It is recommended that Verint applications dynamically respond to the user’s screen size, type, and orientation, ensuring the interface is always clear and accessible.
Wide - 1920 px | Standard - 1366 px | Tablet - 900 px | Mobile - 375 px |
Supported devices
Verint applications should be usable on devices from a large desktop size (1920 px width) down to the common tablet size (960 px width).
Designs for smaller screens, including mobile devices, are not currently defined in LUX. However, responsive design down to this size is still encouraged. Where applications need to support smaller screen sizes, consult the UX team for guidance.
Touch devices
Where Verint applications are supported on touch devices:
use tap-and-hold as an alternative access method for components which usually rely on hover, such as Tooltips.
allow a drag interaction for Scroll.
increase target areas by enlarging buttons and the space between them, e.g. in Toolbars.
Other access methods
For other interaction methods, such as keyboard and screen readers, see Accessibility.
Breakpoints should be used to control LUX layouts.
Material UI uses these common breakpoints:
extra-small: 0 px
small: 600 px
medium: 900 px
large: 1200 px
extra-large: 1526 px and larger
Where there is not enough space to display the full layout, the main workspace should be prioritised. Other areas within the layout may be collapsed or minimised, including the left and right panes.
Containers should respond to any element which can influence its available space, including collapsible panels as well as screen size.
For further guidance and examples of Verint applications at different screen sizes, see Layouts.
Patterns & Components
Each relevant LUX pattern or component has its own responsive guidelines.
For fixed-width elements, such as the Filter Pane and Details Pane, the size is not responsive but features such as pinning and expansion may behave differently at different widths.
Where possible, use vector graphics such as SVGs and font icons, as they are more responsive.
Text sizing should also be responsive, where relevant.
Best practices
Where space is limited, it is acceptable to remove auxiliary functionality.