Configuring the Verba Gadget
Configuring the Verba Gadget
Kiss, Mate
Owned by Kiss, Mate
Feb 23, 2024
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The Verba Gadget has to be uploaded to the Finesse web server as a 3rd party gadget.
Before uploading the gadget, the configuration file has to be modified.
Modifying the configuration file
All the possible configuration are stored in the verba-config.js file. The configuration fields are stored in a JavaScript object.
Configuration fields
Name | Type | Example Value | Description |
protocol | String | "http" | The protocol which will be used for the API connection. |
redundant | Integer | 1 | Defines if the Verba deployment contains multiple Media Repositories |
mrs | Array of Strings | [ "" , "" ] | List of Media Repositories. The value can be IP address, NetBIOS name or FQDN. |
Verba Configuration Example
var verbaConfig = { protocol: "http", redundant: 0, mrs: [ "" ] };
Upload and add the Verba Gadget
For Contact Center 10.6 and below please use the WebService.js and WebService.xml from the uccx-10.6 folder.
Please follow the instruction of the following Cisco configuration guide:
Downloading The Gadget
The Verba Gadget for Cisco Finesse is accessible on Verba's Software Downloads page
, multiple selections available,