Prerequisite configuration for Import API

Prerequisite configuration for Import API

Configuring the Import source

Step 1 - Open the Verba Web interface then select Data > Import Sources from the top menu 

Step 2 - Click on the Add New Import Source link on the top right 

Step 3 - Set a name for the Import source

Step 4 - Set the Type to Verba Rest API

Step 5 - Complete the configuration according to the requirements in the following table


Configuration item

HTTP Port8800
HTTPS Port4430

TLS Certificate File / Thumbprint

‎f7 3e 4c 15 61 c6 8b f3 a6 2e 60 2a 94 b4 48 95 8f 12 e3 8a

TLS Key File


TLS Key Password


TLS Trust List

own_ca, ‎2f7ec6305ea2e717f669ea97dbdf8b9537f6cc71

The ports are specific for the import service, make sure that there are no port conflicts 

Configuring the Data management policy

Step 1 - Follow the generic policy creation steps described on the following page: Data management policies

Step 2 - Select Data Import as the action.

Step 3 - Select the Import Source Type Verba Rest API.

Step 4 - Add the previously created import source to the selected import sources.

The Enable Recording Rules should not be checked for not real time imports, and the scheduling should be set to No Scheduling for continuous operation.

Starting the import service

Step 1 - On the Verba Web Interface go to System / Servers. Select the server where you want to enable the Import API. It could a Media Repository or Media Repository & Recording Server. 

Step 2 - Click on the Service Activation tab. 

Step 3 - Activate the Verba Import Service by clicking on the  icon.

Step 4 - Click on the Service Control tab.

Step 5 - Start the Verba Import Service by clicking on the  icon.

API key administration

Step 1 - On the Verba Web Interface go to  System / API Keys.

Step 2 - Select the Add New API Key link on the top right corner of the page. Each application should have its own API key so that they can be configured separately.

Step 3 - Complete the configuration according to the requirements in the table below:



API KeyRandom generated, unique GUID.-
NameName of the API key.

Required field
Minimum length: 3
Maximum length: 128

Network RestrictionsFor each API key, the system can restrict access to the API for a certain set of network addresses. This optional parameter contains a list of IP addresses and/or hostnames.-
Requires AuthenticationIf this flag is enabled, the external application has to provide user credentials before accessing the functions of the API. The provided user has to have System Administrator and System Supervisor roles.-