



The system supports multiple integration options with the Genesys platform:

  • Genesys active recording
  • Genesys CTI integration for Cisco network-based recording

This guide focuses on the Genesys active recording integration only. For more information on Genesys CTI integration with Cisco recording, see Genesys integration for Cisco network based recording.

The Active Recording Ecosystem uses Media Stream Replication (MSR) for a fully Active recording solution with Dual Channel Recording. SIP sessions to the recorder provide basic call information and voice (Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP)) data. MSR is where Media Server replicates the RTPs and makes them available to the recording server. Additional events and information are provided by the T-Server part of the SIP Server. For a full overview and architecture of the Genesys Active Recording Ecosystem please refer to the following document: Active Recording Ecosystem Overview

Genesys active recording features

  • Voice recording and archiving
  • Integration with Genesys SIP Server for media stream recording
  • Integration with Genesys T-Server for CTI / metadata
  • Compatible with the advanced data model (only)
  • Support for always-on recording
  • Support for selective recording through selective recording rules
  • Silent monitoring is not supported

Version support

Switch Name & Model

Genesys Pure Engage

Supported Genesys Versions

Genesys SIP Server 8.x or leter

Genesys T-Server 8.x or later

Supported Endpoint / DeviceTypes

Genesys SIP endpoints

If you are on a different version, contact your Genesys representative for more information.

Deploying Genesys active recording

The following section contains all the necessary steps for setting up a Genesys active recording infrastructure.


Make sure that all the required prerequisites are installed on each server prior to the installation.

For guidance on configuring the necessary firewall port, visit Firewall configuration for Genesys active recording deployments


The following articles contain all the step for installing the various server roles:


For the configuration guide, see Configuring Genesys active recording

Genesys metadata

The system captures the following metadata specific to Genesys recordings.

Metadata FieldDescriptionTemplateAvailableAvailable in
CDR-Only record
Available in
Media-Only record
Start DateStart date of the conversationStandardYesYesYes
Start TimeStart time on the conversationStandardYesYesYes
End DateEnd date of the conversationStandardYesYesYes
End TimeEnd time of the conversationStandardYesYesYes
DurationLength of the conversationStandardYesYesYes
UserName of the recorded userStandardYesYesYes
FromDirectory Number, Phone NumberStandardYesYesNo
From InfoCaller party nameStandardYesYesNo
ToDirectory Number, Phone NumberStandardYesYesNo
To InfoCalled party nameStandardYesYesNo
DirectionDirection of the call from the system perspective, requires configuring internal number/domain patternsStandardYesYesNo
Direction (User)Direction of the call from the recorded user perspectiveStandardYesYesNo
From (Verba)Name of the Verba user associated with the calling partyStandardYesYesYes
To (Verba)Name of the Verba user associated with the called partyStandardYesYesYes
LocationHostname of the recording serverStandardYesYesYes
End CauseNormal, Hold, Transfer, ConferenceStandardYesYesNo
Audio CodecAudio codec of the recorded streamsStandardYesYesNo
Video codecVideo codec of the recorded streamsStandardYesNoNo
Platform Call IDUnique conversation identifier received from the recorded platformStandardYesYesYes
Silence RatioRatio of silence in the conversationStandardYesNoYes
Talkover RatioTalkover ratio of the conversationStandardYesNoYes
Longest SilenceLength of the longest silence present in the conversationStandardYesNoYes
User ID / Agent IDGenesys Agent IDStandardYesYesNo
From DeviceDevice ID of the calling partyStandardNoNoNo
To DeviceDevice ID of the called partyStandardNoNoNo
Dialed NumberOriginal dialed numberStandardNoNoNo
From IPIP Address of the Genesys ServerStandardYesNoYes
To IPIP address of the called party deviceStandardNoNoNo
From Proxy IPIP address of the proxy server associated with the caller partyStandardNoNoNo
To Proxy IPIP address of the proxy server associated with the called partyStandardNoNoNo
Source PlatformGenesys T-ServerStandardYesYesYes
Conversation TypeVoiceStandardYesYesYes
Forward ReasonForward reason for the conversation (e.g. forwarded, transferred, team call, delegated, etc.) StandardNoNoNo
Recording failedIndicates if the recording has failed and the metadata was imported during CDR reconciliationStandardNoNoNo
Media LengthLength of the media file related to the conversation in hhh:mm:ss formatStandardYesNoYes
Media ErrorShows the media processing errors during recordingStandardYesNoYes
Voice QualityOverall voice quality check score for the conversationStandardYesNoYes
Record TypeCDR-Only, Media-OnlyStandardYesYesYes
2N SourceIn case of duplicate (2N) recording, records are marked as primary or secondaryStandardYesYesYes
ANIIdentification (the DN from which the inbound call was made)GenesysYesYesNo
DNISThe Directory Number Information Service (the DN to which the inbound call in question has been made)GenesysYesYesNo
Call TypeThe type of call in questionGenesysYesYesNo
This PartyThe directory number of the third party in a transfer or conference callGenesysYesYesNo
This Party RoleThe role of the telephony object specified by Third Party DN in the event in questionGenesysYesYesNo
This Party QueueThe queue related to the Third Party DNGenesysYesYesNo
This Party TrunkThe trunk group identifier related to the Third Party QueueGenesysYesYesNo
Other PartyThe directory number of the second most significant telephony object (except an ACD group or trunk group) with respect to the event in question. The application does not have to be registered to this directory number to receive the event in question.GenesysYesYesNo
Other Party RoleThe role of the telephony object specified by Other Party DN in the event in questionGenesysYesYesNo
Other Party QueueThe directory number of the second most significant ACD group with respect to the event in questionGenesysYesYesNo
Other Party TrunkThe trunk group identifier related to Other Party QueueGenesysYesYesNo
Call UUIDCall UUIDGenesysYesYesNo
Agent IDThe agent identifier specified by PBX or ACDGenesysYesYesNo
Party UUIDParty UUIDGenesysYesYesNo
Customer IDThe string containing the customer identifier through which processing of the call was initiatedGenesysYesYesNo
Propagated Call TypePropagated Call TypeGenesysYesYesNo
Wrap Up TimeWrap Up TimeGenesysYesYesNo