Get Call Information

Get Call Information


Retrieves all metadata available for a call.

The function is available as a HTTP GET or HTTP POST request.


Get Call Information:


Get Call Information HTTP GET sample:

Detailed description of the API request elements:

URL parameterParameter example


actionaction=GetCallInformationName of the HTTP API request.Mandatory
apiKeyapiKey=74c8eea0-50c6-40b2-9f3e-252ed501c3c8API key used to identify the application.Mandatory
tokentoken=09835e02-6c10-11e0-bb22-ba324924019bUnique identifier for authenticated sessions. After successful authentication, the API sends back a token, which has to be used for each request.Mandatory if authentication is configured for the given API key.

Defines the format of the response of the API request. The following valid values apply:

  • XML: the response is formatted and structured in XML, designed for applications
  • HTML: the response is in human readable format and formatted using standard HTML; it can be directly displayed in any browser.
  • TEXT: simple clear text based response
If the parameter is missing, it defaults to XML.
callIDcallID=a8343631-9f35-4a3a-83f0-9e81592339fbDefines the internal ID of the call.Either callID, platformCallID, nativeID, meetingID or extension parameter is mandatory
platformCallIDplatformCallID=71627389The value of the Platform Call ID field.
nativeIDnativeID=TRS26140192The value of the Technical Call Identifier field.
meetingIDmeetingID=WHBFM6DDThe Lync Meeting ID.
extensionextension=8856Defines the phone number that is a participant of the call. The API will look for a call with the status defined, where the number is either the calling party or the called party. If the API, for some reason, finds more than 1 record, it will respond with error.

Defines the status of the requested call. Comma separated values can be specified.The following valid values and value combinations apply:

  • ongoing - the API will look for an ongoing call, where the number is either the calling party or the called party
  • next - the API will look for the next call in the upcoming 1 minute time range after the API request, where the number is either the calling party or the called party
  • last - the API will look for the last finished call, where the number is either the calling party or the called party
  • ongoing, next - the API will look for an ongoing call, where the number is either the calling party or the called party; if no record was found, the API will look for the next call in the upcoming 1 minute time range after the API request, where the number is either the calling party or the called party
  • last, ongoing - the API will look for the last finished call, where the number is either the calling party or the called party; if no record was found, the API will look for an ongoing call, where the number is either the calling party or the called party
Mandatory if the extension parameter is specified
returnInvitationreturnInvitation=1If 1, then the Lync Invitation details acquired by Verba from the technical account will be returned in the response.
returnSharedItemsreturnSharedItems=1If 1, then the corresponding shared items will be returned in the response.
returnMetadatareturnMetadata=1If 1, then the corresponding custom metadata will be returned in the response.
returnIMreturnIM=1If 1, then the corresponding IM messages will be returned in the response.
returnTranscriptDBreturnTranscriptDB=1If 1, then the corresponding transcript will be returned in the response as stored in the database (clear text).
returnTranscriptFilereturnTranscriptFile=1If 1, then the corresponding transcript will be returned in the response as stored in the transcript file (special transcript format) in Base64 format.
returnVoiceQualityreturnVoiceQuality=1If 1, then the corresponding voice quality check results will be returned in the response.


XML based response sample on success:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


<Response code="0" type="GetCallInformation">

<verbacdr state="1"> <!-- Finished Call State -->






<source_name>John Smith</source_name>



<destination_name>Earl Jones</destination_name>

<start_time>2011-03-24 14:02:19.673</start_time>

<end_time>2011-03-24 14:02:24.325</end_time>

<audio_codec_id>4</audio_codec_id> <!-- G.711U 64 kbps -->

<direction_id>0</diection_id> <!-- Internal -->

<cause_id>0</cause_id> <!-- Normal -->

<signaling_id>2</signaling_id> <!-- SIP -->















<title>Lync Meeting WHBFM6DD</title>








XML based response sample on error:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


<Response code="2" type="GetCallInformation">

<ErrorMessage description="Error">Unable to retrieve call information, because the call cannot be found.</ErrorMessage>

