Cloud9 Call Data API

Cloud9 Call Data API


For general Cloud9 recording information see Cloud9.

For a general description of Import sources, please refer to Import sources.

Configuring Cloud9 Call Data API based recording and archiving

Creating an API Key in the Cloud9 Portal

Step 1 - Login to the Cloud9 Portal

Step 2 - Navigate to the API Keys page (if not available then ask your Cloud9 contact to enable this feature)

 Step 3 - Complete the configuration according to the requirements in the following table

Configuration itemDescription
APICalls Data
EnvironmentSelect your environment
Whitelisted IP(s)

A comma separated list of IP addresses of the Verba Recording Servers (public IP) where the Import Source will run

If the Recorder Server's public IP is not on this list then we will get 403 Unauthorized responses for our requests and we won't be able to record/archive calls

Owner Email(s)Comma separated list of emails

Step 4 - Please note your API Secret because later on you won't be able to copy it out.

Enabling the Verba Import Service

Step 1 - In the Verba Web Interface go to System \ Servers

Step 2 - Select the server from the list where you want to enable the Import Service which will integrate with the Cloud9 API. The Import Service can be enabled on the following Server roles: Recording Server, Media Repository, Media Repository and Recording Server

Step 3 - Activate the Verba Import Service by clicking on the  icon.

Step 4 - Click on the Service Control tab.

Step 5 - Start the Verba Import Service by clicking on the  icon.

Creating a Cloud9 import source

Follow the steps below to create a new Verba Import source for Cloud9 Call Data API: 

Step 1 - Open the Verba Web interface then select Data \ Import Sources from the top menu

Step 2 - Click on the Add New Import Source link on the top right

Step 3 - Complete the configuration according to the requirements in the following table

Configuration item
NameName your import source. This name will identify this source across the system.
TypeSelect Cloud9
API KeyThe API Key you created on the Cloud9 Portal.
API SecretThe API Secret you created on the Cloud9 Portal.
TLS Certificate File / ThumbprintSpecify the certificate file / certificate thumbprint that is being used for the Cloud9 connection. If left empty then the Verba default certificate will be used.
TLS Key FileSpecify the file where the certificate key is stored if not in the windows certificate store
TLS Key File PasswordSpecify the password for the file that contains the certificate keys
TLS Trust List

Specify the list of certificates that Verba trusts from a 3rd-party connection. Available options:

pem file with a list of certificates

comma separated certificate thumbprints

comma separated CA thumbprints

Forward Proxy Address

IP address or FQDN of the forward proxy. When defined, the system will connect through a forward proxy.

Forward Proxy PortThe port of the forward proxy
Forward Proxy UsernameUsername for basic authentication for the forward proxy server
Forward Proxy PasswordPassword for basic authentication for the forward proxy server

Step 4 - Click Save to save the settings

Transcoder Configuration (Optional)

Step 1 - In the Verba Web Interface go to System \ Servers

Step 2 - Select the server from the list where you have the Import Service enabled for the Cloud9 API.

Step 3 - Expand the CDR and Archived Content Importer \ Cloud9 Call Data API node.

Step 4 - Select the codec at the Audio Transcoder Profile setting.

Step 5 - Save the changes by clicking on the  icon.

Step 6 - A notification banner will appear on the top. Click on the click here link, so you will be redirected to the Configuration Tasks tab. Click on the Execute button in order to execute the changes.

Other Configuration (Optional)

Step 1 - In the Verba Web Interface go to System \ Servers

Step 2 - Select the server from the list where you have the Import Service enabled for the Cloud9 API.

Step 3 - Expand the CDR and Archived Content Importer \ Cloud9 Call Data API node.

Import policy configuration

Follow the steps below to configure the Data Import action:

Step 1 - In the Verba web interface, navigate to Data \ Data Management Policies

Step 2 - Click on the Add New Data Management Policy button at the top-right corner of the page

Step 3 - For the action, select Data Import

Step 4 - Under Available Import Sources, select the Import Source that you created, then click on the Add button just below the text field

Step 5 - Configure the policy details, based on the information that is shown in the configuration items summary table below

Step 6 - Set up how frequently the Import should be run in the Scheduling section

Step 7 - Click on Save

Configuration Parameter NameDescription
Enable Recording RulesSpecifies if all data should be processed in the imported data set or just the records of the recorded users as configured in Verba
Execute Only on Selected ServersIf enabled, a specific server can be chosen that will run this policy

Extension configuration

To match the imported conversations to a Verba extension (and to a Verba User account) you need to add the Cloud9 login names as extensions with type User / Agent ID.