User roles

User roles

The Verba Recording System provides a highly customizable role-based user access control system. Administrators can create user roles, each containing a specific set of rights that define which features of the web interface can users with that role access.

After creating them, each user can be assigned one or more roles. They will be granted all the permissions that at least one of their assigned roles contain.

This article is a guide on creating and managing user roles. It also describes how to assign roles to users.

 Creating new user roles

To create a new user role, log into the web interface with the sufficient administrative rights and select Administration > Roles from the Users top menu. This will display a list of currently defined user roles. Verba ships with a collection of default roles pre-configured, but you are free to change, or remove these and create new ones.

Click on the Add new Role button in the top right corner of the page. The next page lets you name your role, apply a description and define the set of rights specific for this role. For more information on the various permissions available refer to the User Permissions page.

Once you are done with setting up the role properties, click Save at the bottom of the page.
The new role will appear in the role list and is now assignable to users.

Managing existing user roles

To edit the properties of an existing role, log into the web interface with the sufficient administrative rights and select Administration > Roles from the top menu. This will display a list of currently defined user roles. Click on the role you need to edit, then make your changes on the role properties page.

When you are done editing, click Save.
After this point, each user with the edited role assigned to it will have the new set of permissions according to the changes made to their role.

Assigning roles to users

There are two ways to associate roles and users. You can either associate multiple users at once with a specific role or you can grant a single user multiple roles at once. Please note that these two processes have equal effect behind the scenes, you are free to choose which one is more convenient for you.

To define a user's set of roles open the Verba web interface with the sufficient administrative privileges, then select Administration > Users. Select the user you want to manage from the list. This opens the user configuration page. To assign roles to the user, scroll down to the bottom of the page.
The Assigned Roles section contains a list of roles the user currently has. The Other roles section contains a list of roles that can be assigned to the user. Configure the user's roles using the checkboxes next to the roles. 

By clicking on the gear icon next to one of the roles in the list, you can open a new window where you can quickly access the properties page of the selected role.

To associate multiple users at once with a single role, go to Administration > Roles, then select the role you want to manage. Click on the Assign Users tab on the top of the page. On the next page you will see a list of users currently associated with the role you selected.
You can add more users to the role using the Search field to find the users you need.

You can remove users from the role by clicking on the Trash icon next to the user in the list.

When you are ready with the configuration, click Save for the changes to take effect.

Legacy roles

To achieve backward compatibility with previous Verba releases, the system contains a pre-defined non-editable set of legacy roles which correspond with user rights present in pre-Verba 8 releases.
When upgrading Verba to version 8 or above, each user will be assigned one or more of the legacy roles according to their original rights.