How to Install your Verba license

How to Install your Verba license

If you logging into the Verba Web Interface for the first time after the initial installation, the Upload License File page will appear by default. Skip to Step 3.

If you have received a long coded license string, you can just copy/paste that into Verba.
If you have a license file, you can upload it.
See the detailed steps below.

Please follow the guidelines below to install your Verba license:

Step 1 - Navigate to the System/License menu item.

Step 2 - On the top right corner of the screen click on the Upload License File link.

Step 3 - On the Upload License File screen there are two possibilities:

    • Paste License - You can simply copy/paste the received license string.
    • Upload License File - Upload the received .lic license file that includes the license string.

Step 4 - If the license string or file is proper and the upload was successful, the Web application will show the updated License Information.

Step 5 - Once the license is uploaded, it needs activation. There are 60 days to do this. Open a support ticket at support.verba.com, and send the activation code. The Verba support team will provide an activated license shortly.

Step 6 - If the Verba support team provided the activated license, open the Verba Web Interface, and navigate to the System/License menu again.

Step 7 - On the top right corner of the screen click on the Upload License File link

Step 8 - Upload the activated license.