Dashboard widgets

Dashboard widgets

The following widget types are available:



Alert Details

Shows a list of alerts. The data is collected from the alerts database, based on the configured filtering options.

Alerts Summary

By clicking on an item in the list, the user is redirected to the alert list page showing the list of alerts with the selected severity.

Audit Log

Shows a list of audit log items related to user actions. The data is collected from the audit log database, based on the configured filtering options.

Background Tasks

Shows the list of background tasks. The data is collected from the tasks database, based on the configured filtering options.

Conversations Count Trend

Displays the number of conversations on the selected time scale. The data is collected from the recorded conversations database, based on the configured filtering and grouping options.

Conversations Length Trend

Shows information about the total length of the recorded conversations. The data is collected from the recorded conversations database, based on the configured filtering and grouping options.

Incorrect Conversations Trend

Displays the number of conversations on the selected time scale which were not recorded properly and there were errors detected during the recording process. The data is collected from the recorded conversations database, based on the configured filtering and grouping options.

Not Recorded Conversations Trend

Displays the number of conversations on the selected time scale which were not recorded and imported by the CDR reconciliation process. The data is collected from the recorded conversations database, based on the configured filtering and grouping options.
Peak Concurrent Conversations Trend Shows information about the number of peak concurrent recorded conversations. The data is collected from the recorded conversations database, based on the configured filtering and grouping options.

Server Status

Displays the list of servers indicating the overall status of the services running on the server.

Storage Usage Trend

Shows information about the total size of the recorded conversations. The data is collected from the recorded conversations database, based on the configured filtering and grouping options.

Voice Quality Check Trend

Displays the number of conversations on the selected time scale where the voice quality score is below a configurable threshold. The data is collected from the recorded conversations database, based on the configured filtering and grouping options.


New widget types are added to the solution in upcoming releases.