Related Pages: Message Popups, Dialogs
A popup is a small modal window which appears over the primary screen, designed to display important messages or collect information from the user.
Popups appear as a result of a user action, such as clicking a button, link, or a menu action.
Popups must be dismissed by the user before returning to the primary screen.
Type | Usage | Example |
Displaying warnings, error messages, and important information. | ![]() | |
Collecting information from the user, or allowing them to make decisions. | ![]() |
A popup window consists of:
a colored header, including:
a label (see Content below).
a close button (unless otherwise specified).
a help button (optional).
a content area, which contains:
a title, describing the action that will be performed. (Optional for Dialog popups only, where space is limited).
the main content including any text, inputs and controls.
Dialog buttons at the bottom of the popup, including:
a primary action button.
a secondary and other action buttons (where relevant).
Popups appear over a semi-transparent black background with an opacity of 40%.
Popups are horizontally and vertically centered on the screen.
The user will be able to move the popup around the screen.
The user cannot change the width or height of a popup window.
Popup header labels should describe the object they are referring to, and may including the following information:
Object name - a specific label for the individual item the popup relates to, e.g. Agent Name, Article Title, or Timestamp.
Object type - the class of item, for example Interaction, Article, or Shift.
The object type should be included for all Add New popups.
When object name and type are both used, it should be in the format [Object type]: [Object name], e.g. Interaction: 07/28/2023 04:49:25 AM.
Additional object metadata - such as timestamps, user type etc. Each additional piece of metadata should be separated using a divider, e.g. Interaction: Agent name | 07/28/2023 04:49:25 AM | Agent role.
Where a popup does not relate to an object, its header label should contain the name of the tool or message instead, e.g. Calculator.
If the header text exceeds the available width it will be truncate with an ellipsis (…). The full header will be shown in a Tooltip on hover.
In rare cases, button labels may change as a result of a user action.
The primary screen behind the popup is not interactive while a popup is open.
The popup can be closed by either:
clicking the close (X) button,
clicking an action button, or
pressing the Esc key.
Clicking outside of the popup will not close it.
Dialog popups may contain additional interactive elements.
Message popups do not require special validations.
For information about dialogs validations, see Dialogs.
The popup window and the semi-transparent background will appear and disappear with a fade effect.
to display important information. Remember that popups can be intrusive - only use them when necessary.
Do not use
to display a large amount of content. In this case, link to another page or, in case of a dialog, consider using a Form.
where a popup relates to a specific trigger point on the screen → use a Popover instead.
to display non-intrusive messages which don’t prevent the user from interacting with the rest of the page → use a Toast instead.
Keep the text short and informative.
Avoid opening a popup from another popup.
Only one popup may be open at any one time.
Unless otherwise specified, see our general compliance information in Fundamentals - Accessibility.
The tab index flow will follow the order displayed below. Shift + Tab will follow the reverse order.
Where there are more than two dialog buttons at the bottom of the popup, the focus order will be from right to left.
If the content is not focusable, the first item to get focus will be the Enter button.
The same order logic as above should apply even if none of the additional buttons appear.
The focus style for elements within the header will be different to other LUX components due to the background fill color.
Help (grey), Information (blue), and Error (red) popups will use a white focus indicator.
Warning (orange) popups will use a black focus indicator.
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Verint products should support all devices down to the common tablet size (960px width). For general guidelines, see Fundamentals - Responsive design.
Popups should always remain horizontally and vertically centred, regardless of the screen dimensions.
On large screens popups should remain at their default size.
The left and right internal padding for all popups should reduce to 24px at the same 900px breakpoint.
Where the screen dimensions are smaller than the popup’s height or width, the popup size should be adjusted. A minimum margin of 24px should persist around all four sides of the popup.
When the popup size is reduced and the full content cannot be displayed:
the header text will be truncated with an ellipsis. The full header will be shown in a tooltip on hover.
the elements within the main content area will respond, following their own responsive guidelines. A vertical scrollbar may be added where necessary.
Examples at different screen sizes
Wide (1920px) | Standard (1366px) | Narrow (960px) |
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See Message Popups and Dialogs.
See Message Popups and Dialogs.