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Tabs enable content organisation at a high level, such as switching between views, data sets, or functional aspectsAllowing user for dual screen support, and workspace customisation.



Main tabs

Use it as a tabbed navigation - Single row above their associated content

2nd level tabs

Single row above their associated content

Details pane tabs

Single row above their associated content in the details pane

Ribbon tabs

Side tabsTBD

Usage & Behaviour

Tabs organize and allow navigation between groups of content that are related and at the same level of hierarchy.
Tabs can be switched by clicking on a different tab.
Each tab label describes the content contained within it.
Keep in mind that at mobile widths and during translation, the character length of a label will impact the experience. Do not use icons in tab label


The horizontal layout of the tab bar never changes. The tabs always appear side by side

Navigation view top pane anatomy

  1. Navigation items
  2. Separators
  3. Selected item (displayed)

Structure ElementDescription

Parent for the entire tree is optional. A tree should have a parent if the parent has meaning or to allow the user to select the entire tree in case there is a use case that will require it.

When you do use a parent node for the entire tree, expand this node by default.


Collapse/expand button: in case the node has descendants.

Icon (optional): should be used only if the tree can contain several types of nodes. If all nodes are of the same type, an icon should not be used.

Label (node name) + tooltip in case the entire name does not fit.

Counter (optional): the number of elements the node contains

States: Focus, Hover, Selected, Disabled.

Default SortingAlphabetically (between and within the hierarchy level/group)
LoadingWhen a user expands a node, if the nodes are not shown immediately, provide "loading" indication at the place below the expanded node.

Click on the expand/collapse button will do the respective action.

Click on the node label (+counter) will select the node.

Keyboard functionality<TBD>


The first section content in the accordion should be open when first loading the page.

  • By default, show the first tab as open. This is the initial setting provided by the control.
    Note: Technically, you can also override the initial selection. However, this is not recommended.
  • Later on, you can show the tab last selected by the user.

Number of tabs

A maximum of four tabs may be displayed. This is to maintain an uncluttered UI and reduce cognitive load for users.


Tab order should be consistent across an experience. Tabs with related content should be grouped adjacent to each other.


  • Each tab label describes its content and sets user expectations.
  • Tabs with related content should be grouped adjacent to each other
  • Labels are concise and use one to two words maximum.
  • Tab labels should succinctly describe the content within.
  • Icons are not permitted as a tab labels.


Main tabs

2nd level tabsDetails pane tabsRibbon tabs

Current appearances in our products


Needs to be designed

TBD - Open issues

  • Maximum tab number - vertical and horizontal
  • Scroll tab - out of the window
  • Tab + Filter - how it works together
  • Align tab solutioan between mobile and desktop (card / line)
  • Tab title - text / icon / icon and title
  • Missing connection between the current tab to the content area in horizontal
  • Decide about maximum letter on title

Next Steps/Tasks

  • UX design
  • To see full view of tab with other components
  • General suggestion - implementation more interaction for update system to today design

New LUX design 

  • No labels