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Drop Down Menu

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A drop down menu consists of related content grouped together and organized vertically.

It allows users to search and select a single value from a list of predefined values.




Textual dropdown Menu

Multi Select Dropdown Menu

Usage & Behavior

A drop down menu can have a preceding label, or not (see example below).

When exists, the label informs the users what to expect in the options list.

Users need to select one item exclusively from a short list of options (minimum 3 items).

A search field should be added to options list with more than 15 items, and when users are expected to know what they are looking for.

  • The search field will be auto-focused when clicking the select trigger area, so that the user may start searching immediately

  • The search field will operate as Live Search

  • The user may select an item either by using the mouse or by using the ‘up’ and ‘down’ keys to navigate between items and ‘Enter’ to select

  • Selected item will be presented in the select trigger area and the option list will close

The drop-down consists of:

  1. Select trigger - opens the option list.

  2. Option List - displays the list of items available. The menu can be textual only or display icons, next to the text, as shown below:

  1. (Optional) Action icons for dropdown menus that add extra functionality on items, when hovered. Those icons will display a tooltip describing the action, when hovered.

Choose one of the following styles to order the content:

  • LogicalSort items into a meaningful order. Group related options together and show the most common options first, followed by less common options. 

  • AlphabeticalSort the options alphabetically if more than 8 select options are available. This helps the user find the right option quickly. Sort currencies, names, and similar content alphabetically.

  • Numeric:Sort numeric values into a sequential order, with the lowest number first.

  • Chronological:Sort time-related information into chronological order, with the most recent first.

The drop down consists of a text box showing a default value, if exists. For example:

If not:

  • If a label exists, the default text will be "Select". 

  • If there is no label, the default text will be "Select a {NameOfEntity}". For example, "Select a queue".



Visual- searchable









Focused Hover

Focused Active

Focused Disabled




Regular state

The Select field always displays the current selection or hint text “select”


Click (anywhere in the dropdown area)

  • The user clicks or taps the field to display a list of options to choose from. 

  • Hovered items are highlighted with a light blue background color

Select an item

Once the user selects an option, the list box closes and the selected option is displayed in the field. 

Clicking a dropdown with an existing selection

  • Opens the option list

  • Selected items have a blue V sign on the left side of the value

Searchable Dropdown



Regular state

The Select field always displays the current selection or hint text “select”


Click (anywhere in the dropdown area)

  • The list of options is displayed

  • The search field is in focus and the user may start typing

  • Hovered items are highlighted with a light blue background color. 

Search- the user enters a search string

  • The list is filtered to show relevant results only

  • The first item is marked for quick selection (the user may use the ‘Up' and 'Down’ arrows to navigate between items, or click ‘Enter’ to select)

Selection of item

Once the user selects an option, the list box closes and the selected option is displayed in the field

Clicking a dropdown with an existing selection

  • Opens the option list

  • Selected items have a blue V sign on the left side of the value.

  • The search field is in focus

Please refer to Field validation page for more information.

An example for a drop down menu with a warning: 

An example for a drop down menu with an error: 

  • The drop down should be used when the list of available values is long and space is constrained.

  • Only a list with over 15 items should show a scrollbar.

  • When there are less than 7 options and the user needs to see them all at once → use radio buttons.

  • When the user needs to enter a value which is not in the list → use a combo box.

  • Keep the text values as short as possible because the list uses single lines only. 

  • The option list should adapt its length to the longest entry by default, but values that are too long may be truncated, having a tooltip displaying their full text (not recommended) - There is no horizontal scrolling in the option list. 

  • Place options that represent All or None at the beginning of the list, regardless of the sort order of the remaining items.

  • Do not allow the control to auto-adjust based on the selection.


Zeplin Link

Screen Thumbnail

New LUX design

  • No labels