Versions Compared


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Lead:  Vainerman Ziv, Revital (Unlicensed)  - 



Table of Contents




info pane is located on the right


side of the page. It may contain:

  • information and actions relating to selected items within the main page content, or

  • additional content related to the main workspace.



There are two types of details pane:




Collapsible details pane

  • Where the pane only contains content when items are selected within the main content, or

  • where the pane contains secondary information which may be hidden, or

  • in fully-responsive interfaces.

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Static details pane

  • Where it is important to show the pane content at all times.

  • For content which does not change depending on selected items within the main content.

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Usage & Behavior

General guidelines





  • Master detail - contain information relating the selected item/s

  • More information - present a summary / more information on the page


The Details Panel may contain in addition to content area a header with general information, changing tabs relevant to the page/selection, actions and links


In WFM the Header width is 320px and height is 50px

The Header elements are:

  1. Main title

  2. Secondary title (optional)

  3. Thumbnail (optional)



The main Details Panel can contain up to 5 tabs and each tab contains different content.



The Details Panel content area display by the selected tab and may contain card, table, text and action buttons

The content area is related to the tab selected and displays:

  1. Components of card / table / form

  2. Action area (optional)

  3. Vertically scroll when needed (optional), and horizontal scroll when there is no other alternative (please try to avoid)

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Placement & Positioning

  1. The Details Panel is part of the entire workspace, on the right side of the screen (when in LTR mode)

  2. In WFM the Details Panel width is fixed 320px and height may change following the close/open ribbon 

  3. The Details Panel can be pinned (keep being expanded) or unpinned (expanded by selection)

Transitions (LTR mode)

  1. When the Details Panel is opened, the transition will be a slide from right to left

  2. When the Details Panel is closeed, the transaction will be slide from left to right

Validations and Errors

  1. The Details Panel doesn't have validation and errors as an item

  2. The Details Panel context can have validation and errors

Best practices

When to use Details Panel

1. When there is a lot of information/meta data to present on a subject 

2. When there is additional information and actions to present on according to selection

3.  when there is a benefit to see side by side





Future Version (TBD)

Accessibility compliance

<<In general each component should be A11y complied,  please follow the 3 guidelines linked below. At the very least we should document that each component is in compliance with each of the 3>>

Focus management

<<How will the component work with keyboard only - without a mouse. Can be reference if written above

We already set a general guidelines described in Keyboard & Focus Management Guidelines >>

Screen reader support 

<<Make sure the components support screen reader for content or behaviour where needed - see Screen Reader Guidelines >>

Contrast & size compliance

<<Visual designers must comply with the minimal of Contrast + Font Size Guidelines for each component>>



Zeplin link


Screen thumbnail


<<Zeplin Link>>


details pane contains:

  • a header.

  • tabs (optional).

  • the content area.

  • an action area (optional).

  • a collapse/expand area (optional).


  • The header may contain:

    • a pane title, which may wrap onto 2 lines. Longer titles will be truncated, and show a Tooltip on hover.

    • a secondary title.

    • a thumbnail image (for example, an avatar).

    • a contextual help icon.

  • Where the pane is collapsible, the header will also contain:

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Tabs (optional)

  • Where relevant, the details pane can include up to 5 tabs.

  • Tabs may not exceed the width of the panel; there should be no horizontal scroll.

  • All tabs will be of the same width, regardless of label length.

  • Titles will not wrap onto multiple lines. Long titles will be truncated, and a tooltip will appear on hover.


The Content Area

  • The main area of the details pane may contain various types of content (see Content below).

  • If the content exceeds the height of its container, a Scrollbar will appear. The scrollbar will apply only to the content area, excluding the header and the action area, if exists.

Action Area (optional)

  • Where relevant, an action area will be shown at the bottom of the details pane.

  • The action area may include elements such as Buttons and Action menus.

  • Primary actions (e.g., Save and Cancel) will be aligned to the right. Other actions will be aligned to the left, shown as a toolbar (see example below).

  • A line will appear above the action area.

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Collapse/Expand Area (optional)

Where the details pane is collapsible, a collapse/expand area is shown.

  • The collapse/expand area will appear only when the details pane is unpinned.

  • When shown, it will be located on the left side of the details pane.

  • An arrow is shown in the middle of the area:

    • when expanded, the arrow will direct to the right.

    • when collapsed, the arrow will direct to the left.

Placement & Positioning

The details pane should:

  • stick to the right side of the page.

  • have a fixed width.

  • fill the vertical space to the bottom of the page.

Where the pane is Static:

  • there will be a small amount of white space between the pane and the right and bottom edges of the page. This spacing should be a consistent fixed size.

  • the top of the pane should be beneath the relevant section header.

Where the pane is Collapsible:

  • depending on the application, the top of the pane should start from either:

    • beneath the VerinTop, aligned with the top element in the header area, or

    • beneath full-width header area.

  • where a Ribbon is also used, the height of the details pane should reduce when the ribbon is expanded. The top of the pane should align to the bottom of the ribbon. (See example image in the Description).

Static (non-collapsible)


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Default state

Where the pane is collapsible, the default state will be determined for each application separately.


The content area may contain any combination of elements, such as text, lists, cards, tables, forms, graphs, links etc.


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Internal logic

Where the details pane content relates to selected items within the main page:

  • the pane’s title, secondary title, and thumbnail image may all be inherited from the selected item(s).

  • when no items are selected, the details pane will show an empty state (see States below).

  • when two or more items are selected, depending on the application the pane may show either:

    • the number of selected items, or

    • a combined view, aggregating data from all items.


Where the details pane is collapsible, it has three basic states:





The only visible part of the pane is the collapse/expand area, allowing users to expand it.

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Expanded, pinned

the pane is shown next to the main content area, so nothing is hidden.

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Expanded, unpinned

the pane overlays the main area of the page, hiding the content behind it.

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Empty State

When no items are selected, the details pane will present an empty state with guiding text, guiding actions, or a page summary.

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While the content is loading, a loading state will show, including a Progress Indicator.

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Interaction only applies to collapsible panes.

The Pin Icon

  • Clicking the pin icon will:

    • switch its state from pinned to unpinned and vice versa (see image below),

    • when unpinned - switch the pane to expanded, pinned state (see States above),

    • when pinned - switch the pane to expanded, unpinned state (see States above).

When the pane is unpinned

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When the pane is pinned

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The Collapse/Expand Area

  • Hovering the collapse/expand area switches it to the hover state.

  • When the pane is expanded, clicking the area switches it to the collapsed state.

  • When the pane is collapsed, clicking the area switches it to the expanded state.

When unpinned, clicking anywhere outside of the pane will close it.

Selecting items within the main page content

A collapsed pane may automatically expand when items are selected within the main page content, where the details pane contains extra information related to that item. See Table actions for more information.

Validations and Errors

  • The details pane itself does not require special validations.

  • For validations and errors related to content, see Field validation.


  • When the details pane is expanded from collapsed mode, the pane will slide from right to left.

  • When the details pane is collapsed, the pane will slide from left to right.

Best Practices


  • Where items in the main page content have a lot of related information that needs to be displayed.

  • Where there is a need to perform actions on sub-elements of items (e.g. cards).

  • Where there is additional content related to the main workspace.

Accessibility Compliance

Unless otherwise specified, see our general compliance information in Fundamentals - Accessibility.

Responsive Design

Verint products should support all devices down to the common tablet size (960px width). For general guidelines, see Fundamentals - Responsive design.

Pane width

  • The details pane has a fixed width, and does not respond to the width of the screen.

  • A static details pane may become collapsible at smaller screen widths, where appropriate.

  • Where the details pane is collapsible, the default state of the details pane may change at different widths.

    • For screen sizes of 1366 px and below, it is recommended that it is closed and unpinned by default.

    • For screen sizes of 1367 px and above, the default state will be determined for each application separately.

  • At 960px and below, the pin and expand options should be disabled.

Pane height

  • When the screen height changes, the details pane height should also respond.

    • the pane header and tabs should not move.

    • the content should remain fixed to the top of the pane.

    • an internal Scrollbar should be used if the content does not fit vertically.

    • where they exist, action buttons and additional information in the pane footer should remain fixed to the bottom.


Collapsible details pane examples

Zeplin link

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Form designer

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Static details pane examples

Zeplin link

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WFE Risk Management

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