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Time pickers allow the user to either enter a time manually or set hours and minutes using up and down buttons.

Two time pickers can be used, for start and end times, to allow the user to enter a time range.


Usage & Behavior

General guidelines

  • The user’s time format (24 hours or 12 hours) can be set by the user (in the preferences of the local application).


Time pickers consist of:

  • Time input field. The time can be directly edited here.

  • Time picker button. A clock Icon Button which opens the time picker drop-down.

  • Time picker drop-down, which consists of:

    • Hours and minutes fields.

    • Up and Down arrows. Clicking those arrows increases or decreases the hours and minutes in increments of 1.

    • AM/PM label. Appears when the user’s time format is set to 12 hours. Clicking this toggles between AM and PM.


The time picker may have an initial value, which the user can edit at any time.






Time Picker - Regular.pngImage Added



Time Picker - Hover.pngImage Added



Time Picker -  Active AM.pngImage AddedTime Picker - Active minutes and seconds only.pngImage AddedTime Picker -  Active PM.pngImage Added

Time Picker - Active with seconds.pngImage Added


Time Picker - Disabled.pngImage Added



Time Picker - Read only.pngImage Added


Time Picker - Error.pngImage Added



Time Picker - Warning.pngImage Added



Time Picker - Focused.pngImage AddedTime Picker - Focused minutes.pngImage AddedTime Picker - Focused seconds.pngImage AddedTime picker - Focused AMPM.pngImage Added

Focused, Hover

Time Picker - Focused Hover.pngImage Added


Focused, Active

Time Picker - Focused Active.pngImage Added


Focused, Disabled

Time Picker - Focused, Disabled.pngImage Added



The time can be set either via direct input or by using the controls in the time picker menu. Additional keyboard interactions can be found under the Focus management section below.

Direct input

  • The time picker can have an initial value, which the user can edit at any time.

  • When clicking the text, the relevant input section will be highlighted (HH, MM, or AM/PM.).
    For example:
    Time Picker - Active collapsed.pngImage Added

    • When HH or MM are highlighted, only numerical value inputs will be permitted.

  • When AM/PM is clicked on, it will toggle between the two options.

  • Once an input section has been filled, the highlight will move to the next section.

  • On Apply, the time picker field will lose focus (nothing is highlighted).

  • The user should be allowed to enter times in loose formats, where possible. These should be automatically corrected when the field loses focus. For example:

    • 5 should be auto-corrected to 05.

    • when the time format is set to 12 hours, 15:08 auto-corrects to 03:08 PM.

Time picker menu

  • Clicking on the clock Icon Button or any blank space will open the time picker menu.

  • The time picker menu will be closed:

    • when a time is applied, or

    • by clicking outside of the time picker menu.

  • The time inputs are cyclical:

    • When the hour is set to 12 (in 12 hour time format), the up arrow loops the value back to 01.

    • When the hour is set to 23 (in 24 hour time format), the up arrow loops the value back to 00.

    • When the minutes are set to 00, the down arrow changes the value to 59.

    • When the minutes are set to 59, the up arrow changes the value to 00.

  • For AM/PM, the arrows are not cyclical. Up arrow will change to PM and Down arrow to AM.

  • Changing the time in the menu should immediately sync the direct input displayed time

Validation and Errors

Please refer to Field validation page for more information.

A time field with a warning will have an orange border and a warning icon, as displayed below:


A time field with an error will have a red border and an error icon, as displayed below:


Best practices

Use when:

  • You want the user to select or set a time.

  • You want the user to select a time range. In this case, one time picker can be used to set the start time and a second one to set the end time.

Don’t use:

  • For any input other than time.

Accessibility Compliance

Unless otherwise specified, see our general compliance information in Fundamentals - Accessibility.

Focus management


Time picker field

Time picker menu

Time Picker - Focused.pngImage AddedTime Picker - Focused minutes.pngImage Added


  • Navigates to the next input section.

  • When on the last input section, navigates to the next component.

Navigates between the different sections in a cyclical order:

  • Hours.

  • Minutes.

  • AM/PM.

Shift + Tab

  • Navigates to the previous input section.

  • When on the first input section, navigates to the previous component.

Reverses the order of navigation described for Tab.


Opens the time picker menu.

  • Hours - N/A

  • Minutes - N/A

  • AM/PM - toggles between the values.


Applies the time.

  • Applies the time.

  • Closes the menu.



Closes the menu and returns the focus to the field, without applying any changes.


  • Up - Increases the highlighted value.

  • Down - Decreases the highlighted value.

  • Holding down the up/down keys will scroll continuously.

  • Right/Left - Moves the input highlight accordingly.

  • Up - Increases the highlighted value for the focused section.

  • Down - Decreases the highlighted value for the focused section.

  • Holding down the up/down keys will scroll continuously.

  • Right/Left - Moves the focused section accordingly.

  • Up/Down changes between AM/PM


Time picker field

Time picker menu

Right Click

Set Focus state on field

Set Regular state on component


Zeplin Link


Time picker states.pngImage Added

