Parameter | Description | Default value | Modifiable |
Eid | The Environment ID of the VFC environment for which the Integrator is configured (VFC equivalent of a Tenant ID). | 0000 | Yes, can be modified |
MediaRepositoryDbConnectionString | The connection string to access the VFC Database. The minimum required parameters are supplied as default values, separated by semicolons. | Server=...,1433;Initial Catalog=verba;User Id=...;Password=...;Connect Timeout=15;Encrypt=False;TrustServerCertificate=False;ApplicationIntent=ReadWrite;MultiSubnetFailover=False | Yes, must be modified |
MediaRepositoryServerUrl | The FQDN or NetBIOS name of the Media Repository server to send requests to the VFC. | https://YourVfcMediaRepositoryServer | Yes, must be modified |
AdSyncGroupSeparator | The Group Naming Separator used in VFC as part of the synchronization of Active Directory Organizational Units to VFC Groups. | / | Yes, can be modified |
SupportedPlatforms | The platform names and types of switches supported by the Integrator that can be synchronized between VFC and WFE when marking calls and creating data sources. Must not be modified. | avaya-dmcc, Phone cisco-network, Phone zoom_phone, Phone zoom_meeting, Application ipc-unigy, Trader ip-trade, Trader | No |
ConfiguredPlatforms | The list of configured switch types that are synchronized between VFC and WFE when marking calls and creating data sources. The Integrator does not run until at least one of the supported platform names is added to ConfiguredPlatforms. | example-platform | Yes, must be modified |