Versions Compared


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Considering performance requirements, the most important factor is the storage and the network should be capable of reading and sending the expected amount of audio files to the IV cluster. As all analysis happens on the IV servers, CPU and memory are only used for lightweight database querying and parsing, and storing the results from the IV system.


Add the Intelligent Voice ca-cert.pem certificate to the Verba Java Keystore. If this step is accidentally missed, an HTTP error will be shown under Data > ASR Models in the Verba UI and no ASR models will be shown.

  1. Check with Verba support for the Java keystore password.
  2. The Intelligent Voice ca-cert.pem certificate can be found in /opt/jumpto/ssl.  Copy ca-cert.pem to a convenient location on the Verba Media Repository, for example "C:\IV\ca-cert.pem".
  3. Open a DOS Admin prompt and change the current directory to "C:\Program Files\Eclipse Adoptium\jre-\bin"
  4. Type the following command: keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias iv-ca -file "c:\IV\ca-cert.pem" -keystore  "C:\Program Files\Eclipse Adoptium\jre-\lib\security\cacerts"
  5. Check the timestamp has been updated on the "C:\Program Files\Eclipse Adoptium\jre-\lib\security\cacerts" file and that no new cacerts file has been created in the local directory.
  6. Restart the Verba Conversation UI.

Data processor

Once, the Intelligent Voice platform is available, the required Data Processor has to be created to enable the integration with the Intelligent Voice transcription engine. Follow the steps described in Configuring and running transcription to create the processor and select the Intelligent Voice engine. The following table describes the settings available for an Intelligent Voice data processor:
