Parameter | Description | Default value | Modifiable |
ApplicationServerUrl | The URL of the Application Server that runs the WFO_ProductionDomain_ProductionServer service, used to send requests to the WFE APIs. | https://YourWfeApplicationServer | Yes, must be modified |
NamePrefix | The prefix for the WFE user groups generated as part of the integration process. Must be unique to an Integrator deployment. Limited to 10 characters. | YourTenantName-YourOrgName- | Yes, must be modified |
ParentOrganizationName | The name of the WFE parent organization to contain and manage users and associate with data sources. Must be unique to an Integrator deployment and across the WFE tenant. | Your VFC integration Organization name | Yes, must be modified |
ParentGroupName | The name of the WFE parent group to contain integrated VFC groups which will be actively managed by the VFC Integrator. Must be unique to an Integrator deployment and across the WFE tenants. Note: WFE group names are limited to 50 characters, which includes the name prefix and the actual group name. | Your VFC integration Group name | Yes, must be modified |
VfcSyncedEmployeeGroupName | The name of the user group in WFE which contains all employees synchronized from VFC. Must be unique to an Integrator deployment and across the WFE tenant. Note: WFE group names are limited to 50 characters, which includes the name prefix and the actual group name. | VFC Synced | Yes, can be modified |
SiteGroupPath | The WFE Installations path to the Site that the external server is associated to, specifying the Site Group between the Enterprise node and the Site. | VFC Site Group | Yes, can be modified |
SiteName | The name of the WFE Site to which the external server is associated. | VFC Site | Yes, can be modified |
ServerName | The host name of the VFC Media Repository. | VFC Media Repository Hostname | Yes, should be modified |
Description | Description of the external server. Optional. | Your Server's Description | Yes, can be modified |
- The ParentOrganizationName parameter must specify the name of the parent organization created earlier in the VFC to WFE Metadata Integrator deployment process.
- The ParentGroupName parameter must specify the name of the parent group created earlier in the VFC to WFE Metadata Integrator deployment process.
- The recommended value for the ServerName parameter is the host name of the VFC Media Repository, as it allows for an easy identification of the VFC deployment in WFE.
Related information
Organizations and groups (WFE User Management Guide)
Parameter | Description | Default value | Modifiable |
Eid | The Environment ID of the VFC environment for which the Integrator is configured (VFC equivalent of a Tenant ID). | 0000 | Yes, can be modified |
MediaRepositoryDbConnectionString | The connection string to access the VFC Database. The minimum required parameters are supplied as default values, separated by semicolons. | Server=...,1433;Initial Catalog=verba;User Id=...;Password=...;Connect Timeout=15;Encrypt=False;TrustServerCertificate=False;ApplicationIntent=ReadWrite;MultiSubnetFailover=False | Yes, must be modified |
MediaRepositoryServerUrl | The FQDN or NetBIOS name of the Media Repository server to send requests to the VFC. | https://YourVfcMediaRepositoryServer | Yes, must be modified |
AdSyncGroupSeparator | The Group Naming Separator used in VFC as part of the synchronization of Active Directory Organizational Units to VFC Groups. | / | Yes, can be modified |
SupportedPlatforms | The switch platform names and types of switches supported by the Integrator that can be synchronized between VFC and WFE when marking calls and creating data sources. Must not be modified. | avaya-dmcc, Phone cisco-network, Phone zoom_phone, Phone ipc-unigy, Trader | No |
ConfiguredPlatforms | The list of configured switch types that are synchronized between VFC and WFE when marking calls and creating data sources. The Integrator does not run until at least one of the supported switch types platform names is added to ConfiguredPlatforms. | example-platform | Yes, must be modified |