Related Pages: Searchable Dropdown Menu





Live Search

Live search (aka "active search", “incremental search” or “search-as-you-type”) is a search type in which each character that the user enters or deletes runs the search query. This type is usually suitable for small-medium databases

Search with auto-suggest

In this search type the system autosuggest terms as the user types 2 or more characters. The search itself is being conducted only after manually running it (by selecting a suggestion, clicking "search" or 'Enter'). This type of search is usually suitable for complex and big database search


  • Empty search field includes a hint text.

  • The hint text must start with the word 'Search' to indicate the search functionality.

  • The next word/s should provide helpful context and imply the results type (e.g. 'search employee', 'search custom data field').


  • The search field should be in the minimum width of 27 characters. 

Internal Logic


Zeplin link

Screen thumbnail

Image RemovedImage Added


As per each individual search type.