Related pages: Popups, Dialogs, Toast
Lead: Liav Nadler
A message popup is a small modal window containing a warning, error message, help text or other important information
Type | Example |
Help | |
Information | |
Warning | |
Error |
Usage & Behaviour
General guidelines
The message popup may contains these elements:
Header, including a title (e.g. "Warning") and a closing icon
Title, including Icon (e.g. question mark icon for help) and text
The message text
Primary action button (usually OK)
Secondary action button (usually Cancel) when relevant
In some cases a checkbox may appear. For example:
For basic guidelines see Popups
Message popups have a fixed width. The height of the popup may vary in regard to the length of the text
Best practices
The message popup is more intrusive than a toast. Use it only for important messages (or long messaged in the case of help)
Keep the title short and informative
Keep the message text short and informative
Zeplin link | Screen thumbnail |
<<Zeplin Link>> | <<Screen with 200 width>> |