Copy of Action Menus
The following macros are not currently supported in the header:
  • style

Copy of Action Menus


An action menu is a set of actions related to an element, component, or area of the application.

Action menu examples:

General menu

Icon menu

Table header menu

Workspace menu



Usage & Behavior

General Guidelines

A menu can be triggered in one of these ways:

  • Clicking a dedicated icon, for example, the More icon in a Data Table row

  • Right-clicking on a dedicated area on the screen.

  • Selecting text, for example in a transcription.


Action menus consist of:

  • A list of action options, shown inside a small container. There are three types of actions:

    • Simple actions, such as Copy. Represented by text, with or without an icon.

    • Complex actions, such as columns. Text followed by an ellipsis (…), with or without an icon. These open a new Dialog when clicked.

    • Toggle actions, such as Show working hours. Text with an associated check sign to show when it is selected.

  • Action options may be divided into groups. In this case, a horizontal divider will be shown between the groups.

Placement and Positioning

  • Actions menus will appear:

    • over the page, hiding any content behind it.

    • to the right or left of the trigger element, depending on the location of the trigger element on the screen.

    • below the trigger element, unless it is close to the bottom of the window. In this case, it will appear above.

Internal Logic

  • Action options may be sorted by importance or popularity.




Icon menu




Icon menu







In case of a toggle action




When using the arrow keys to navigate between items

Focused, Hover


Focused, Selected



  • The user can navigate between items using the Up and Down arrow keys and select an item using the Enter key.

  • Clicking an item can perform several actions:

    • Simple actions (such as Copy). The action is performed and the menu is closed.

    • Complex actions. A Dialog appears (e.g. for a column selector), and the menu is closed.

    • Toggle actions. The option is checked or unchecked. In most cases, the action is performed as soon the option is clicked (e.g. updating the view of a chart).

  • Clicking outside the menu closes it without performing any action.

Workspace menu

  • A common example of an action menu is the workspace menu.

  • The workspace menu appears on the top right corner and contains actions relevant to the entire workspace (e.g., 'reset workspace' action).

  • Only one workspace menu exists for any page.

Best practices


  • To show a small list of actions related to a single element.

Don’t use:

  • If there are more than 10 action options → consider using a toolbar or a Ribbon.

  • For selecting values → use a Drop-down Menu


  • Keep option labels short and informative.

  • Use right-click menus only as a second way to perform actions. The right-click option is hidden and may not be available for some users.

  • Avoid mixing toggle action with other actions inside a single group.

Accessibility compliance

Unless otherwise specified, see our general compliance information in Fundamentals - Accessibility.


Zeplin link

Screen thumbnail

Zeplin link

Screen thumbnail


