Lead: Asaf Ben-Oved ONGOING
Many of the Range Picker structure and behavior is based on Date Picker and therefore are not described in this page
Range Picker allows the user to set a customized range of dates with or without hours in a unified component.
<< Relevant only if the component has several distinct types (e.g. editable tables, nested tables). In this case each type should be described in a sub-page >>
<<If you are using this section Usage & Behaviour should be used only for the Common functionalities in the page>>
Type | Usage | Image |
Range picker (Dates only) | <<TBD>> | |
Range picker (Dates and Time) | <<TBD>> | |
Advanced Range picker |
Usage & Behaviour
General guidelines
The input field is composed of a string indicating the range (start - end) and an icon. Next to the field, a label would be set.
The menu is composed of 2 consecutive calendar months horizontally displayed. From left (start) to right (end). The direction might change according to RTL languages.
Beneath each of the calendar months, a manual input field is displayed. The field also displays the selected dates from the calendar months
Usually used with a label “Date range”.
Internal Logic
The months are always coupled which means the user always sees 2 consecutive months.
For example, if the user chooses to see the Januar 2020 on the End month (right side), the left side will show December 2019.
The external field can only be clicked upon, no manual entry of dates
Selection is always From (start) date -> To (end) date
Opening the menu
Clicking anywhere in the external field will open the menu
By default, the From Field is highlighted
This field only allows manual input by keyboard
Clicking outside the menu is equivalent to the Cancel operation
Selecting a From date
Clicking anywhere on either of the displayed calendar months will select that date as From and update the From Input Field at the bottom and the External field (
should the External field be updated immediately
The focus will move to the To Field
All dates prior to the From date are disabled
Clicking outside the menu is equivalent to the Cancel operation
Hovering for the To Date
A “trail” of hovered dates will be presented as the user hovers to select the To date
Clicking outside the menu is equivalent to the Cancel operation
Selecting the To date
Clicking on the To date will
Show range selection as selected
Update the To input field at the bottom
Enable all previously disabled dates (prior to 17 in the example)
Move the Focus back to the From input field
Clicking outside the menu is equivalent to the Apply operation
Validations and errors
<<used for specific components e.g. slider>>
<<Used to describe transitions or animations the occurs in any of the interaction stages>>
Best practices
<<e.g. Slider should display a label its on>>
Accessibility compliance
<<In general each component should be A11y complied, please follow the 3 guidelines linked below. At the very least we should document that each component is in compliance with each of the 3>>
Focus management
<<How will the component work with keyboard only - without a mouse. Can be reference if written above
We already set a general guidelines described in Keyboard & Focus Management Guidelines >>
Screen reader support
<<Make sure the components support screen reader for content or behaviour where needed - see Screen Reader Guidelines >>
Contrast & size compliance
<<Visual designers must comply with the minimal of Contrast + Font Size Guidelines for each component>>
Zeplin link | Screen thumbnail |
<<Short Zeplin link. You |