Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Typography is used to create clear hierarchies, useful organizations, and purposeful alignments


which guide users through the product and experience. It is the core structure of any well-designed interface.




Verint uses Inter, a typeface carefully crafted and designed for computer screens. As part of our font stack, as a necessary fallback for situations where Inter cannot be used (e.g. for non-Latin alphabets such as Arabic and Hebrew) we use the industry standardised sans-serif typeface , Arial. It has been carefully chosen to meet Verint's needs as a global technology company and its design principles. Through it's industry proliferation, the Arial typeface comes pre-installed and


Font stack

Our font-stack has been optimized to run on the a majority of devices, operating systems, web browsers, and web browsers.Verint font-stackcharacter sets with the inclusion of web safe fonts.

Code Block
@import url('');
font-family: 'Inter', Arial, sans-serif;


Type Scale



To download the font for use in production environments, click here.

Type scale

REMs are a way of setting font sizes based on the font size of the root HTML element. They also allow you to quickly scale an entire project by changing the root font size, for example at a certain media query or screen size. For a more in-depth rationale of why we have chosen to use rem units, see

How to calculate PX from REM

Having chosen our default root at 16 px, 1 rem = 16 px. To calculate the rem value to use from any given px size, the following calculation is used: px / 16 = rem. The table below is a quick cheat sheet for our most common rem conversions.



Actual size

0.625 rem

10 px

Html macro
	@import url('');
	html { font-family: 'Inter' !important; }
<span style="font-family: 'Inter', arial; font-size: 10px;">Powering actionable intelligence</span>

0.6875 rem

11 px

Html macro
	@import url('');
	html { font-family: 'Inter' !important; }
<span style="font-family: 'Inter', arial; font-size: 11px;">Powering actionable intelligence</span>

0.75 rem

12 px

Html macro
	@import url('');
	html { font-family: 'Inter' !important; }
<span style="font-family: 'Inter', arial; font-size: 12px;"
design is good business<
actionable intelligence</span>



875 rem

14 px

Good design is good business1rem16 pxGood design is good business1.125rem18 pxGood design is good business1.25rem20 pxGood design is good business1.5rem24 pxGood design is good business1.75rem28 pxGood design is good business2rem32 pxGood design is good business2.25rem36 pxGood design is good business2.625rem42 pxGood design is good business3rem48 pxGood design is good business3.375rem54 pxGood design is good business3.75rem60 pxGood design is good business4.25rem68 pxGood design is good business4.75rem76 pxGood design is good business5.25rem84 pxGood design is good business5.75rem92 pxGood design is good business
Html macro
	@import url('');
	html { font-family: 'Inter' !important; }
<span style="font-family: 'Inter', arial; font-size: 14px;">Powering actionable intelligence</span>

1 rem

16 px

Html macro
	@import url('');
	html { font-family: 'Inter' !important; }
<span style="font-family: 'Inter', arial; font-size: 16px;">Powering actionable intelligence</span>

1.125 rem

18 px

Html macro
	@import url('');
	html { font-family: 'Inter' !important; }
<span style="font-family: 'Inter', arial; font-size: 18px;">Powering actionable intelligence</span>

1.25 rem

20 px

Html macro
	@import url('');
	html { font-family: 'Inter' !important; }
<span style="font-family: 'Inter', arial; font-size: 20px;">Powering actionable intelligence</span>

1.5 rem

24 px

Html macro
	@import url('');
	html { font-family: 'Inter' !important; }
<span style="font-family: 'Inter', arial; font-size: 24px;">Powering actionable intelligence</span>

1.75 rem

28 px

Html macro
	@import url('');
	html { font-family: 'Inter' !important; }
<span style="font-family: 'Inter', arial; font-size: 28px;">Powering actionable intelligence</span>

2 rem

32 px

Html macro
	@import url('');
	html { font-family: 'Inter' !important; }
<span style="font-family: 'Inter', arial; font-size: 32px;">Powering actionable intelligence</span>

2.25 rem

36 px

Html macro
	@import url('');
	html { font-family: 'Inter' !important; }
<span style="font-family: 'Inter', arial; font-size: 36px;">Powering actionable intelligence</span>

2.625 rem

42 px

Html macro
	@import url('');
	html { font-family: 'Inter' !important; }
<span style="font-family: 'Inter', arial; font-size: 42px;">Powering actionable intelligence</span>

3 rem

48 px

Html macro
	@import url('');
	html { font-family: 'Inter' !important; }
<span style="font-family: 'Inter', arial; font-size: 48px;">Powering actionable intelligence</span>

3.375 rem

54 px

Html macro
	@import url('');
	html { font-family: 'Inter' !important; }
<span style="font-family: 'Inter', arial; font-size: 54px;">Powering actionable intelligence</span>

3.75 rem

60 px

Html macro
	@import url('');
	html { font-family: 'Inter' !important; }
<span style="font-family: 'Inter', arial; font-size: 60px;">Powering actionable intelligence</span>

Typographic treatments

Font weight

Font weight is an important typographic style that can add emphasis and is used to differentiate content hierarchy. Font weight and size pairings must be carefully balanced. A bold weight will always have more emphasis than a lighter weight of the same size. However, a lighter weight can rank hierarchically higher than a bold font if the lighter weight type size is significantly larger than the bold.

Verint allows for a wide range of weights. However, only Semi-Bold, Regular, and Light should be used for product design.



Font-weight: 300 / Light

Html macro
	@import url('');
	html { font-family: 'Inter' !important; }
<span style="font-family: 'Inter', arial; font-size: 32px; font-weight: 300;">Light 300</span>

Font-weight: 400 / Normal

Html macro
	@import url('');
	html { font-family: 'Inter' !important; }
<span style="font-family: 'Inter', arial; font-size: 32px; font-weight: 400;">Normal 400</span>

Font-weight: 600 / Semi-bold

Html macro
	@import url('');
	html { font-family: 'Inter' !important; }
<span style="font-family: 'Inter', arial; font-size: 32px; font-weight: 600;">Semi-bold 600</span>

Body copy

To maximize screen real estate we recommended a smaller 12 px / 0.75 rem body copy size for a standard UI console.

Line height

Line height, traditionally known as leading, is one of several factors that directly contribute to readability and pacing of copy. Line heights are based on the size of the font itself. Ideal line heights for standard copy have a ratio of 1:1.5 (typesize : line-height). For example, a type at 16 px/1 rem would have a line-height of 1.5 rem/24 px (16 x 1.5). The exception to this rule is headings, which need less spacing and therefore have a line-height ratio of 1:1.25.



Standard UI


