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Tooltips are small text like bubbles that appear when the user hovers an element.
Component | Regular size | ||||||
Regular | |||||||
Regular with heading | |||||||
Error see Field Validation | |||||||
Warning see Field Validation | |||||||
Informative | |||||||
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Additional examples (from different apps) | |||||||
Regular with dynamic content (Calendar | statistics) | |||||||
Regular with heading - 2 lines (Calendar)
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Regular with dynamic structured content icon and list (Queue analytics) | |||||||
Regular with actions(e.g. buttons) |
- When the tooltip is applied to buttons, use user action-oriented copy that communicates the value in a straight forward manner
- Keep it short. If you reach more than 150 chars reconsider the tooltip and use a pop-over <<TBD link to LUX pages>>
- Mouse cursor enters target area: display visual feedback of hover within 0.1 seconds..
- If cursor remains stationary within target area for 1.5 seconds,
- Display tooltip on location of the cursor currently within target area (position of tooltip doesn't change while cursor is inside target area)
- If cursor had moved to another target area in less than 1 second, remove current tooltip and show tooltip for new target after 0.1 seconds
- Keep displaying the exposed content element until the cursor has left the target area or 12 seconds had passed
- Once the cursor left the target area close the tooltip after 0.1 seconds
Tooltips with action
Follow the same Regular tooltip interaction with the following changes
- While the mouse cursor is on the target area OR tooltip area, keep displaying the tooltip
- Once the cursor left the target AND tooltip area, close the tooltip after 1 seconds
Graph or micro chart: <<Do we need that distinction>>
- Tooltips should not be used as the only way to accomplish a task (should not be vital for the task)
- Tooltips with obvious/redundant text are not beneficial to the user
<<TBD update image>> - A formatted structure is easier to read than big chunk (see in additional examples under Content)
Accessibility compliance
Focus management