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Lead:  Liav Nadler


Table of Contents


<< 1-2 lines short description of the component and when it is used>>

<< Most communicative 1 screen shot of the component >>


<<use this section only if the component has several types that each requires its own page e.g. table, collapsable table>>

<<If you are using this section, then Usage & Behaviour should be used only for the Common functionalities in the page>>


Usage & Behaviour

<<use a visual for each sub-section>>A toast is a small message box that appears in response to a user's action. It contains a simple feedback about the action, while any current activity remains visible and interactive.

A toast may be closed by the user or disappear automatically after few seconds (see below). 

Image Added


A toast may contain the following elements:

  • A relevant icon (optional), e.g. confirmation, warning etc.
  • A loader, in case of a continuous action (optional)
  • Text, e.g. Item deleted
  • Action button (optional), e.g. Undo
  • Close button (optional, see below)


TypeExampleUsagePositionBehaviourLeading ColorDisappears Automatically
General information about the actionBottom of the screen, centeredAppearing from the bottomBlueAfter 5 seconds
Success message after completing an actionTop of the screen, centeredAppearing from the topGreenAfter 5 seconds
Failure to complete the actionTop of the screen, centeredAppearing from the topRedRequires user action

General guidelines

<<describes the component, use sub-section when they are relevant to the components>>


<<In general each component should be A11y complied,  please follow the 3 guidelines linked below. At the very least we should document that each component is in compliance with each of the 3>>

Focus management

<<How will the component work with keyboard only - without a mouse. Can be reference if written above

We already set a general guidelines described in /wiki/spaces/UX/pages/308969693 >>While the toast is shown any current activity remains visible and interactive

Screen reader support 

<<Make sure the components support screen reader for content or behaviour where needed - see /wiki/spaces/UX/pages/308248620 >>
